Halloween Holidays

It’s been a busy old week which started off with me being really ill, this meant that I was not able to do much on Monday. Tuesday we put to good use my youngest’s visual aid book, trying to recreate the school day as close as possible (we even put in a milk break and some fruit for break). This seemed to work well, although I use his ICT picture to relate to computer games, and the clever soul kept moving it to be the next thing to do! We started to think about the fun and safety involved with Bonfire night.

Bonfire night fun and safety @pinkoddy

Wednesday we attended an Autism Support group where the boys had fun painting Halloween models (my year old asked if it was made from the same material as some dinosaurs we had painted, I wonder if next time he will remember that it is called plaster of Paris). I was again very impressed with how well my youngest held the paint brush. I’m not sure what was different there but my little Sensory Seeker did not paint himself. The group also put on some Halloween food and the children had a fantastic time. Was a shame we had to leave early but the middle two had a Seascooter session – it was the 6 year old’s first time as you have to be able to swim 25m, and he did really well. On the night time we went to see Nanny as it was her birthday.

paint controlpainted pumpkinpumpkin pops

Thursday we were keen to celebrate Halloween, so after starting a slow cooked chicken casserole we headed to the park with the MicroScooters (and bike). We then had some fun with a SkylandersSWAPForce FREE Halloween Activity pack download. We emptied and carved our pumpkins. My husband usually does this and I have to say I did not realise quite how difficult it is! We cut a small heart in the back of one to help support the charity World Vision for A night of hope. The youngest decorated his with pirate and dinosaur stickers, which meant that he was easily entertained whilst I helped my 6 year old with his. In the evening we just went to a couple of people’s houses we know before returning home for a treasure hunt of Halloween shaped chocolate, and some spider jelly.

stew vegetablesmonster scootermonsters at the gymmonsters at the parkEmptying pumpkinpumpkin stickersnight of hopeHalloween selfieCarved pumpkins

Friday we went to OverFarmMarket with friends. It was really good and I cannot believe we have never been to a PYO (pick your own) pumpkin farm before. There were lots of Halloween activities set up. The ghost hunt was really good – and the children loved it because after they had ticked off all the ghosts to find on their list they were given sweets! We went on a tractor ride (which when we watched people go off originally we didn’t think they’d make it as it was so muddy. There was a Ghost train ride which made lots of noise and some of the other children did not like. And I think the best was the children being pulled around the muddy field by a quad bike. Gutted that afterwards I discovered that I could have gone on and my youngest found it a bit scary and wanted me there.

hay minonSnow White pumpkin
Autumn OverFarmMarketghost huntmud ridePYO pumpkinspumpkin chairPYO pumpkins PYO Pumpkins

As we were about to leave the children were drawn to a street entertainer. He was very funny and pulled in a huge crowd. Nearing the end of his performance he told us that he was not indeed French (as his fake accent throughout the show) but Australian. That he was an entertainer of the most honest variety in that he did not charge you to watch his performance, you did not have to pay up front. That he felt the performance was worth at least a fiver, but to give what you could (but not to insult the art with pennies, he was an entertainer not a beggar!) Personally I think he makes a good advert for Sports Relief – what do you think?

passion for laughter

I’m sure our half term we have done much more and I have forgotten but we can safely say it has been a busy one. I believe that the visual book has been fantastic at helping my son to deal with the week, but I think a huge aspect of this is because I have filled his sensory needs – including that of getting outdoors. I think when it comes to Christmas break I must really remember this, no matter how cold.

mummy mishaps

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall





I have been no way compensated for this post, however there may be products featured that have previously been given to review.

24 thoughts on “Halloween Holidays”

  1. I love the idea of a PYO pumpkin, I didn’t know about that either but would love to find one for this year! The farm looks really good fun though. I love the picture of them dressed up on their scooters. I had to carve out our pumpkins this year too for the first time and I never realised how difficult it was, I was bored by the time I’d took the innards out!

  2. Sounds like you’ve had a fantastic week! Love the photos of all the pumpkin, that sounds like a fun trip. I also love the shot of the boys on their scooters/bike in costumes! Glad the visual book is working so well x #CountryKids

  3. Oh I hope you are fully recovered Joy. I would have loved to discover a PYO pumpkin patch and the whole day sounds like it was good spooky fun, the boys certainly look like they enjoyed themselves. I love the pumpkin cake pops too. It sounds like you had a busy and fun Halloween.

  4. Sounds like a great half term. Pumpkin carving is hard work isn’t it! The pyo farm looks great, I didn’t know they existed!

  5. I’ve done a PYO before either – I used to live near Over Farm and despite that have never visited but hear good things. Looks like you all had a fun Halloween x

  6. Gosh what a busy time! Fab photos, I would love to go to a PYO for pumpkins, I left it far too late (again) and my local greengrocers ran out 🙁 hope you are feeling better now xx

  7. So sorry you were poorly but it looks like you’ve had a wonderful week – we’ve spent a lot of time outdoors too, it’s good for everyone

  8. What a very busy week you’ve all had – packed with lots of fun and outdoor play though. I love the idea of pick your own pumpkin and agree that carving pumpkins IS hard work, it sounds like you had some spooky fun there too.

  9. firstly lovely lady- i am sooooo sorry for my late commenting i competely forgot that I had not revisited my FF post!!! i think i am getting early dimentia!
    But thank you for joining in and dharing your falshback. I cannot belive how miuch you managed to pack in and you were not even feeling all that wonderful. I dread to think how much more you could have done had you been feeling 100%!!
    I love that PYO farm – they went to so much trouble to entertain their customers and visitors didnt they? those carts look great fun i think Burton would love those! And all the pumpkins your boys decorated look fab as do those edible sparklers. well done on manging to do so much – what a great Mum you are to your handsome boys x x

  10. Super pictures, what a wonderful looking halloween you had. Isn’t Pumpkin carving awkward; it takes so long to get all the gunk out and I hate the smell which seems to linger for ages!

  11. Pick your own pumpkins…. very cool! My wee man was not overly convinced about carving a “scary” pumpkin. We did not really do halloween this year actually! Looks like a rather fun half term and very scary boys on scooters!


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