Whether you use LinkedIn or not I am going to share with you just 3 Reasons Why Bloggers should use LinkedIn. I have to admit that when I signed up for LinkedIn I didn’t know what I was doing and just let my blog posts publish to it. I remember telling someone that I was better to just spam my posts onto my account than not use it at all. Whilst I do not recommend just spamming your blog posts on to LinkedIn, with over 433 million users worldwide, bloggers would be foolish to ignore this platform completely.

So why do I think that bloggers should use LinkedIn?
- Exposure. This is yet another avenue for you to share and be shared on. Plus it is not as saturated with bloggers as some of the other platforms. You can add parts of an article with a read more link to entice visitors to your blog. LinkedIn uses hashtags which will help to connect to new audiences. Ideally you should join groups and engage to get noticed: in these you can find advice and support, as well as more readers. Or offer it yourself!
- Connections. LinkedIn is the business go to social-networking site, which allows you to not only connect your content to new audiences, but to display your capabilities as a professional. Not only showcasing your work itself but demonstrating your commitment and skills, allowing people who may wish to work with influencers like yourself to find you – and judge for themselves. You can treat the whole of LinkedIn like an online CV – connecting with brands and individuals that you have previously worked with. As well as engaging on other brand’s content who you may wish to work with in the future (or generally to gain more exposure so that others also engaging with the brand will notice you). Plus why not see who your connections are connected to – are there people who could be beneficial to you, or you to them?
Photo by Randall Bruder on Unsplash - Fresh Content. I am not suggesting you go on LinkedIn and steal other people’s ideas but it is a good place to be inspired for future blog posts. Even if you just read the headlines of people’s posts, or see from the comments what kind of questions people want answering.
My LinkedIn if you would like to Connect.
I’m on linked in but I have to admit I rarely go there or know what it’s for. I’ll have to give it another try. Thanks for the practical tips.
I never thought to use Linked in this way. Time for me to explore that site.
I never thought to use Linked in this way. Time for me to explore that site.
I have never used LinkedIn. I didn’t know the value in it and thought it was just for employees. Thanks for this information.
I should use it more really. Great idea letting your posts publish to it, I never post anything on it, I should do really.
You bring up so many good points! I set mine up a couple of years ago, but need to promote my posts better on the platform.
I first got Linked In when I was at uni but it wasn’t until about three months ago that I actually took my linked in seriously. I went from 100 connections to over 3,000 and counting. Its a great way of making connections and like you said ideal for promotion too!
I think it’s a good idea…I need to learn this soon. Good for promotion and make our connection wider and better.
I have never used LinkedIn. I didn’t know the value in it and thought it was just for employees. Thanks for this information.
Thanks for the information. I never considered LinkedIn until now. It sounds like a great idea.
This is good to know. I have an account but I’ve never really researched. After reading your post I intend to look more into it.
Linkedin is such a great way with connecting with brands. I don’t use it enough, after reading your post I will start putting some more time in to it!
This is really good to know actually. I believe that having a Linkedin account is a very important thing to have. There is so much value to linkedin and I strongly believe that everyone should have one.
Linkedin is a really great resource overall, but definitely for bloggers. I’ve gotten a few opportunities with brands finding me there, which is fantastic.
Linkedin is such a useful tool not only for bloggers but also for different professionals in various industries.
I am so glad you wrote about bloggers and LinkedIn. I have just started revisiting this area of social media and business contacts.