Health & Fitness Update: Could HRT be the Answer?

Just a bit of an update really on my health and fitness for those who are interested. Honestly I feel like I am pinning all my hopes on being peri-menopausal at the moment and that HRT is going to be the answer to pretty much everything! Peri-Menopause and HRT Even though I’m only forty-four I … Read more

What Happened Next…..My Pain Journey

Following on from my last pain diary entry I was off to the hospital. Trying not to get my hopes up but I believed that I was going for banding to finally remove my hemorrhoid. Even though that in itself is such a minor thing my anxiety was off the scale. I wasn’t sure if … Read more

Pain Diary: Hip and Back Pain Progress Journey

Those of you who follow either my blog or my social media will already know that I have been suffering some pain for quite a while. Basically I thought if I kept documenting it then it would be easier for me to look back on things. I also kind of hope that some people will … Read more

Covid-19 Is it the Time to Just Start Living in the UK?

Covid-19 is really affecting lives and people are quite rightly getting fed up. This is not a political post but I cannot help but feel that here in the UK it has been handled all really badly. Things aren’t communicated well, those telling us the rules are breaking the rules, and well they just keep … Read more

Hospital Covid Test – Grateful for the NHS but OMG!

I needed a hospital Covid test for my flexible sigmoidoscopy. That is a covid test done at the booking centre before a hospital procedure can take place. I hadn’t even so much as done a lateral flow before but the boys have been doing them twice a week. The person on the phone when booking … Read more

Second AstraZeneca Vaccination – With a Needle Phobia

I had booked my second AstraZeneca vaccination for a Saturday morning just like my first. I had done this so my husband could drive me there and back, and be with me. Early so that I wasn’t just being anxious about it all day. When it came to the day I was actually feeling brave … Read more