3 Simple Ways To Stay Healthy This Christmas

biscuits on a festive tray

This is an endorsed partnered post. Temptation lurks around every corner the moment December hits. The radio becomes full of Slade one hit wonders, Shakin’ Stevens is regaling you about how the snow is falling all around him, and John Lennon is telling you optimistically that war is over once again. Mince pies are springing … Read more

Our Home Education over the Summer Holidays so far

boy climbing a tree with harness

Home education over the school holidays has felt a bit weird really. With their brother home the boys have seemed to do academic work much easier without fighting it – but I guess there’s also the fact that because it is the teen’s holidays the boys have also been allowed to play computer games more. … Read more

Home Education – Schools breaking up Week

wallace nasa outside Bristol Children's hospital

People have asked if home education will finish now that the schools are breaking up – well seeing as I never really have a plan and we are really just playing things by ear then things are not going to change. Of course the boys will still carry on their Explore sessions regardless, and the … Read more

Home Ed Diary – The Week of Tie Dye

boy in tie dye in lavender field

As most children are winding down at school I find we are really packing a lot into our home education before things get really busy. In fact this was the last full week of home education just the three of us for this academic year, as the teen finishes on a half day on the … Read more

Another Week of Home Education

mud kitchen play with dinosaurs

Again just another record of what we have been doing this week now I am home educating my youngest two boys. More for me than anything else but I hope that it is of interest to others too. Monday The 10 year old started the 11 plus course with Explore Learning late so had lots … Read more

Home Ed Diary – Another Busy Week in the Sun

father and sons playing outside

Our home education week began with taking my husband to work as his car had its MOT. As it happens he works not far from a big park which is (usually) always very busy and there was just no-one there (the odd one or two children did turn up eventually). I was really shocked about … Read more

Home Education Vikings Week

home made shields

If you are interested I have been writing about our Home Education Journey from the beginning. Not because I have to but I want to. I think it will be really interesting to look back on it and see how we grow and develop. I hope it may also be useful to others, but that’s … Read more

Home Education Week After I came back from Italy

forest school making a catapult

The week began on a Wednesday because I had been in Milan celebrating my 15th wedding anniversary with my husband and the boys had been with his parents. I picked them up and took them straight to the home education session at the library. This time it was about Medieval – which is good to … Read more

Home Education Week 2

phases of the moon model

With week one of Home Education being such a success I am pleased to say that week two went even better. We definitely got a lot more learning done (more than I could possibly remember to tell you – and I am not going to even try to record every detail as that is not … Read more

Activity Week 1 and Kelston 10K 2018

runners and a hill

Hands up I did plan to run every day in January for Red, but I think that he already become be active every day because I have really struggled to commit to it. By the time I had written my Motivation post I had already made the change and to be honest I do think … Read more