Strengthening Week Half Marathon Training

Strengthening Week Half Marathon Training

This week I worked on strengthening. I actually write these behind so I can tell you that this week I overdid it and what I did is really not advisable – more about that in next week’s write-up but let me tell you about my packed-week. It started on Monday when I decided that I … Read more

Half Marathon Training Up to 11 Miles!

Half Marathon Training Up to 11 Miles!

Fittingly this week happened to be Race Week here in Gloucestershire and I thought that I would start the week off with a run. I intended to go much further than I did but got really hot really quickly and needed to drink my bottle of water I take out with me earlier than usual. … Read more

Half Marathon Training Resting Again

running boy

This was another rest week and so I planned on catching up commenting on Blog Posts – but in reality I slept a lot. And when I say a lot I mean pretty much all the time I possibly could! When I wasn’t sleeping I was catching up on housework and looking after my children … Read more

Half Marathon Training Half Term Week

ice-skating pushing two children around

If I had planned things better it would have made sense to make half term a rest week. Even my steps were looking non-existent as I didn’t even have to do the school run. My workweek hustle on the Fitbit was looking absolutely dire. What with Valentine’s thrown in the mix I even missed running … Read more

Half Marathon Training Week 4 – Covering more Miles

oak tree

I have to say that week 4 of my Half Marathon Training just flew by – but maybe that’s because I was so busy. This week I managed to fit in a massage, a lunch date with my husband and over 14 miles of running! The Mental Motivation for a Half Marathon A podcast that … Read more

Half Marathon Training Week 3 – The Mind

the body achieves what the mind believes

Welcome to my week 3 log of how my Half Marathon Training is going. Thank you for your support it means a lot – as you will see as I talk about how I have been concentrating on The Mind in my training this week. I truly believe that the only thing stopping anyone fit … Read more

Half Marathon Training Week 2

Half Marathon Training Week 2

I have to admit I am struggling now. A half marathon seems such a long way off from where I am and just too difficult – and the time is disappearing with the big day getting closer. I signed up for the Half with the intention of trying to get the fastest time possible – … Read more

Things to think about when considering a Half Marathon

Things to think about when considering a Half Marathon

I have signed up for a Half Marathon in May (which is seventeen weeks away yesterday) for the Roses Theatre. My head is spinning with the amount of things I need to think about! I have currently walked 6 miles for Sport Relief, walked/jogged 5k Pretty Muddy for Cancer Research and ran 6 mile for … Read more

Fuel Your Dreams

crunchy peanut butter

I have been struggling with my dream of running a Marathon by the time I am forty, as I just seem to be tired all the time. I don’t think that I was eating enough and therefore was glad to hear from Sun-Pat Peanut butter. They sent me some samples which have helped me raise … Read more