Parkrun Number 50

silly flying feet picture

Exercise has always been something I considered important for my family. We have a huge trampoline in the garden (we have always had one since the oldest was young – in fact our younger two children had it like an outdoor playpen!), the boys have all had swimming lessons (the 11-year-old swims for academy) and … Read more

The Pinkoddy Family Blog

Welcome to the Pinkoddy Family blog. It really is about anything and everything to do with our lives. Here I am below – mother of four boys. We try to do parkrun as much as we can. I am a Jeffer (run/walk technique). Recently I have been diagnosed as Autistic and with both types of … Read more

Guy Fawkes 5 Gloucestershire’s 5 Miler 2023

The Guy Fawkes 5 running race in Tewkesbury was held on Sunday 5th November 2023. Due to flooding a last minute decision was made to change the course to the back-up course but the weather did hold up for the race itself. About Guy Fawkes 5 Guy Fawkes 5 is a 5 mile race organised … Read more

How Did the February Spends Go?!

For those who saw my previous post on January spends you will know that I have been trying to keep a closer eye on where our money is going. Hence this February spends recap – which is more for me than any readers but I thought why not update you too. Those of you who … Read more

Jeffing Sub 2 Hour Training Plan Schedule

Regular readers will know that when I devised a Training Plan for Jeffing Sub 2 hour Half Marathon.  That I had discovered Jeffing and already taken time off my half marathon but without any training. Jeffing is a run/walk technique. You can use a smart watch for alerts or a Gymboss. Things to Note Before … Read more