Education doesn’t have to mean that it is something academic. It’s about knowledge, skills and habits being passed down from one generation to the next, or from person to person. In fact practical learning is more effective, especially if it is of interest to the individual. Therefore, I thought that this week I would share a little about my sons’ Seadoo sea scooter lessons.
All my boys have swimming lessons – for one we wouldn’t be able to cope in a pool with 4 non-swimmers (others might be able to but not us). We really enjoy swimming, and visiting different water-parks. The oldest has completed a life guard training course and is waiting for an available vacancy to come up at our local pool. I thought that the Seadoo sea scooter course would give him another qualification, as well as continuing his activity, and generally getting him out the house.
Seascooters are two-handled underwater scooters, they twist and turn in the water and allow you to fully submerge yourself and visit the bottom of the pool. Not only used recreationally, but for scuba diving too. Travelling up to 5mph through the water they are a new, fun and exciting way to swim. Oh and they offered to get my teen out the house for a week, with the promise of another qualification.
The boys had to be able to swim 25m, and then they were off.The lessons were daily for a week, but the younger of the 2 had had a one off session for his birthday (on a Saturday). All sessions were half an hour long.
They started in the small pool and under instructions learnt how to use the scooters.
This was built up to swim through hoops and learn tricks.
Once they had the control of the scooter they then put on the snorkels, and I heard some mention of scuba diving.
Then they moved to the big pool, again first getting used to the scooter in the deeper water.
They powered off so quickly down the other end (deep end) and disappeared to the bottom of the pool. I’m sure you can appreciate that I am not very good at taking photos of my kids submerged in very deep water!
Then the introduction of flippers.
Each step carefully explained and demonstrated to them.
If I’m honest it was quiet difficult to observe the lessons as I had to watch my youngest. The majority of the photos I captured on a day when he wasn’t present. The two lads were very enthusiastic about the course, and they learnt to do tricks – including using the scooter one-handed.
They are waiting to collect their badges and certificates as they have now completed level 1. I’m sure at the next available opportunity they will be keen to progress to the next level.
Septembers theme is: EDUCATION – link up any back to school, lunch ideas, learning activities, Science experiments, any learning, fine motor, Adult education – anything really.
It is just a guide and can be to do with crafts, days out, photos, achievements, favourite things – anything.
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This is NOT a sponsored post. Thank you very kindly to my local pool for allowing me to take photos (which aren’t usually allowed) in order for me to do this post.
Wow – that scooter looks amazing.! Never heard of it – good for you for being so consistently brilliant with all your boys. You’re an inspiration
Awww thank you, what a lovely thing to say xx
I love it, it’s fun, wonderful!
They look great! We are off to Center Parcs soon and they do sessions with these. I would quite like a try!
Oh let us know how you get on – boys loved it.
That looks so fun! Swimming lessons are so important if you are in a position to get them for your children. My 2 love to swim and have come on so much since they started lessons. I think I’ll be pushing for them to go right up to lifeguard as it’s a great idea for a weekend or summer job.
Was great because tonight it meant I could confidently take my 2 middle two into the big pool whilst my youngest had his lesson too.
The scooters look fab – we’ve only just started classes so a way off them yet but such a great way to learn under water, Alice @ Mums Make Lists
Wow, that looks like great fun. Not sure I would have the confidence, but I think my son would love it
Wow I am so inspired. What a great post xx
Wow! That does look like great fun! x
What a great post. Well done you for getting so involved in your boys activities.
Thank you for linking with the #pinitparty
This looks like so much fun! If I wasn’t so scared of being underwater I’d be giving them a go right away! I bet they had a ball!!
Joy these are amazing i would blooming love a go with them!!
thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x
How cool is that? VERY! Next up should be you!
I can’t even swim with my face under the water lol
Wow that’s amazing. I never even knew these things existed. I’d love to give that a try x
Oh wow! What a cool ting to do! I’ve never seen anything like that!
That looks like so much fun. How come you didn’t have a go? :0)
They are kids courses and you have to be able to swim 25m so I had to look after my younger children who cannot swim that far.
Wow, that looks amazing! how cool!
I love your explanation of what’s going on here, it looks quite hard for them to get their certificates. Finally I have a Country Kids post that I think fits for Motivational Monday too.
What a great idea! Swimming is such an important skill to teach children and these look like a fab way of making it fun!
Over form the pin it party and I want a GO!!!
That looks wonderful! I’d love a go, more certificates and scuba courses on the horizon?
Looks so fun, I’ve seen them before but didn’t even think that you could do a course. Your boys must love it!
Chiz Chiz – all I got to play with in the pool when I was little was a rubber brick we had to collect from the bottom as part of our swimming proficiency test! Seadoos look much more fun
This looks amazing! Never heard of it but my teenager would love it. You’re right too that education comes in all forms and we as parents can lose sight of that sometimes with such busy, hectic lives. Going to look into Seedoos now myself x
Wow you guys actually have courses in the UK’s for these underwater scooters. Here in Florida we j st use them open but im sure some dive shops do instruct it.
Now that is something that actually we could use for our rental services so people can play around with this underwater scooter here in Fort Lauderdale.