What is so different about the BOOMCo Rapid Madness Blaster?
BOOMCo Rapid Madness Blaster Darts – Smart Stick Technology
The BOOMCo Rapid Madness Blaster uses Using Smart Stick technology, meaning that the bullets actually stick to all smart stick targets and shields. The targets have values on for competitive play, or to help encourage better aim.
This is great for improving accuracy (shooting at the target) and competitive play (stealing your opponents’ bullets that stick to your shield). The BOOMCo Rapid Madness Blaster shoots 20 bullets in 30 seconds up to 50ft. The bullet shaft holds up to 20 bullets at once, meaning you do not have to stop during game play to reload, or worry about where to store them when you are carrying them around. The darts are waterproof and less likely to break as they are plastic rather than foam. This means that they are designed to hold their shape and give better accuracy and prevent jamming. There are easy clean and dry instructions for the darts. It comes with 30 bullets, as it is rather powerful when it shoots so there is a chance you may lose a few.
BOOMCo Rapid Madness Blaster for ages 7-11 years
Aimed at children ages 7-11 it is smaller than some models which makes it easier for children of this audience to hold. It was really easy to load and use and designed not to jam. You can shoot a single bullet or up to 20 at a time, without having to reload. It comes with instructions – but it really isn’t very complicated at all. There are arrows to help show how to insert the bullet shaft, and which way up – it also makes a click sound when in place.
The bullets simply push into the shaft (even my 5 year old Sensory Seeker was able to do it. I found it really easy to take out of the box – with no screwdriver etc, being required. The smart stick target meant that it was good for helping to develop hand-eye coordination – or for a bit of practice if there was no-one else available to play with. The shield pops up at a touch of a button – making it easy to do during play. It also can be detached for when shooting at targets, simple for this age bracket to do as it slides on and off. It is air powered (no batteries required) and has an over-pressure release valve. I think this may have made it slightly more difficult for the younger children but an adult could pump it and they shoot if they are struggling. Although it was great for the target audience I think the appeal goes way beyond 11 years, with my 17 year old, husband and myself also really loving it – for the smart stick technology, ability to fire 20 bullets in quick time, and power. My 11 year old said he liked how it made a great “Boom” sound when it bounced off the target
Other things available to compliment the BOOMCo Rapid Madness Blaster include clip & darts, 2-in-1 Bandolier, eye gear (that wont fog up and is required for safety when playing with friends), Deluxe Smart Stick Targets, and Smart Stick Targets.
We did find that the bullets were more air-born and blown sideways. The targets appear to be stickers and so can only be placed once. We did not risk this so I used blue tac to secure it in different locations. We found it was much easier to use indoors than outside. We are not sure how accurate the claim is that they can be shoot from 50ft away is.
RRP £49.99 available at Tesco direct, Argos And Toys r us
Find BOOMCo on YouTube and Instagram
Here’s our video of how we got on:
I received a free BOOMCo Rapid Madness Blaster for purposes of this review. No other compensation has been received. All words and opinions are honest and my own.
I can see why kids would love these. I know I would have had some serious fun with this!
Love this honest review Joy – very good indeed, and I LOVE the name BOOMco!
This is the sort of thing my boys love. They ar Nerf mad, but wow it is expensive
Looks like a fun toy for summers. Brilliant review as ever.
Looks like a lot of fun but not sure it’s worth 50 quid to be honest with you but there again I have girls who are happy with a £3.50 water gun
Great review
We are Nerf mad in this house and we all have a gun of our own (mine and husbands are just the kids old ones really) – you can’t beat a family battle
This looks like such great fun!
I’m still holding out on guns at the moment – He’s still little enough for me to get away with it I Think. But he’d still go nuts for that, it looks rather amazing! (Just had to tell him to stop using a plastic stick as a gun… it’s just not working haha)
Wow – this looks great! My 4 yo would have a grand time with it!
We have nerf guns but Isaac struggles with them (They are the big ones) so this would be perfect for him…….provided he aimed at the target and not at Mummy!
My son is obsessed with weapons (hope he grows out of it!) so would love this. But it is incredibly expensive!
That looks like brilliant fun. I have a seven year old that would go bananas for that!
I wish I was a kid again, I’d have lot’s of fun with this! x
This looks like such great fun! I think i might have to get my little boy one of these.
I know someone who would love this!