This post is about the ninth week of Jeffing Half Marathon Training. I had devised a Jeffing Half Marathon Plan for myself and my teen. For me the aim was to get sub 2 hours, and the teen was to complete his first one.
Near the end of week 8 the teen had gone on holiday with this friends and was there most of the week. He tells me that there was a lot of walking involved – especially hills.
Long Swim
With the older teen on holiday and the tween at school I decided to spend some time with just the younger teen. We went for a swim and I wanted to aim to get to the bridge. He kept telling me it was boring because I couldn’t swim fast enough. Giving me advice on how to be more efficient by gliding. Then realising that none of my swim was right. It is hard to glide right when my legs weren’t doing the right thing!

The bridge seemed close but apparently not. I kept asking him for just a bit more time. Until eventually we reached the bridge. We had been swimming for just over the hour. Then we got out and he wanted to walk back but I was unsure if we were allowed on the land.
We swam a way back and then he recognised somewhere he had seen someone walking. We got out and cut through a field. There were people on tractors cutting grass who never said anything so we assumed we were okay.
Sunset Swim
Then in the evening as I was doing the food shop Natalie messaged to invite us for a sunset swim. It was very beautiful but quite tiring. They were all so fast but looking like they were just doing a very slow swim. I could hardly keep up and so wasn’t really able to hold much conversation too.
They were really good though, and kept stopping and checking I was okay/letting me catch up. Natalie swam back and chatted with me on the way back too.

Running Club
On the Tuesday I was lured to Running Club by the promise of an ice-cream. It was really hot and I took it nice and gently. But I was in such agony afterwards still. It was nice to see people though.

Wednesday I walked just over 2 miles taking the younger teen to his swimming lesson.
More Swimming
Friday I met up with my friend Charlotte and again swam to the bridge – but this time we swam all the way back too.
Parkrun Returns
Saturday Parkrun returned. I planned to do a gentle 15/30. Problem was I hadn’t actually jeffed with the Garmin that hubby had given me. I couldn’t work out why it wasn’t beeping. Therefore I ended up trying to do a 30:30 but just keeping looking at the watch.

Despite the pull of the other runs I was able to start more slowly, taking it easy. By lap 3 I did not feel like giving up like I usually do. Not sure if it is because I started by taking it easy. Eventually I sped up.
Turns out it was because I accidentally had it set as an indoor run. This meant that the alerts weren’t set up (wrong mode) and it didn’t use GPS so wasn’t accurate for the distance either.
Clip ‘n’ Climb
Sunday was the older teen’s birthday and so we booked the boys in for clip and climb. This looked to be a bit of a work out – especially for the upper body.

Week 10 of our Jeffing sub 2 hr Half Marathon Training Plan