Following on from week 16, this post is the 17th week after starting training for our teen’s first half marathon. I devised a plan where we could Jeff it together in under 2 hours. He is naturally very fast and it would have got me a PB. Unfortunately really early on I started being in pain. Still I am hopeful that we can get round and so I am documenting what happened week by week.
Week 17 of Half Marathon Training
On the Monday of the 17th week I woke up in agony. It was that bad that hubby did the school run instead of me. I wasn’t actually sure how well I would be able to drive. Tuesday the teen fell asleep after work. He is on earlies so means getting up at 5. He has been doing it all by himself but my motherly instinct (and the pain) is waking me up when he needs to be up.
Younger Teen
As the younger teen has nothing left to do with his swimming lessons we considered him just lane swimming. I booked him in a session whilst they were still free. He did really well, especially as there were some much older girls who looked like they pretty much bullied him out of the fast lane. The middle lane was too slow for him too.

Wednesday I was unsure if the teen had set his alarm, but sure enough he woke at 5. I woke and was aware he was awake so was actually able to go back to sleep. Heard him leave too. Managed to go the day without napping but did have a coffee. Then he had to go to town and walked back the 2 miles.
Thursday I went for maccys breakfast with my husband. As the traffic was bad he dropped me off and I walked last 2 miles home so that he could go into the office.
Barefoot 5K in the Park
Thursdays are a Barefoot movement day. This time I decided just to go straight to the park and do 5K there. It isn’t a very big park so quiet boring doing so many laps. This time it was lovely as the autumn leaves had started to fall, and I could feel them all crunch under my feet. I was also very appreciative of the people who had sprayed pink around the dog poo – as grass is so easy just to get in the zone. Again had to make a call between running through the leaves for the texture and the worry of what might be hidden underneath.

Sports Massage
On the Friday I saw the lady who does my sports massages. She was great to fit so much in in my half an hour slot. She said she could feel two lots of fluid, one on the hip that was hurting and one on my coccyx. Compared to a blister. I recall her mentioning inflammation or something. Said it could be a number of things which I can’t remember. Did pick up on the fact that one of the things was that it could be arthritis – which my own mother suffered with.

I decided not to do Parkrun barefoot as I felt that I didn’t know what the problem was so it probably wasn’t very sensible. Was going to Jeff with the tween but the younger teen wanted to Jeff with me, so then tween refused.
> week 18
It’s awful that you’re still in pain after so long and a worry that it might be arthritis. I really hope you find out what’s wrong soon and find a way to make it better.
The barefoot running sounds interesting and it’s really good that people spray around the dog poo! I’ve never seen that before.