Face Biscuits #Fathers Day

Daddy Biscuits


All you need:

250g softened butter

140g castor sugar

1 egg yolk

vanilla essence

300g plain flour

icing sugar

sweeties (although for a healthy snack these can be substituted with fruit)


1. Mix together the butter and sugar in a large bowl with a wooden spoon

2. Add the egg yolk and vanilla – beating lightly to combine

3. Sift the flour and stir into the mixture until well combined.


4. Lightly flour your counter and rolling pin


5. Roll out the mixture


6. Cut out the circles (good chance to get some maths and speech into the activity here, as you talk about the shape and count how many you can cut out of the mixture).


7. Put on a tray to cook. I use greaseproof paper to stop them sticking and making it easier to wash up. We cooked ours for about 15 minutes at 180 degrees in a fan oven – but really just until they look cooked (taste testing is always good idea once they’ve cooled a little).


8. It is never too soon to teach the importance of washing up as you go along.


9. Allow to cool.


10. Mix your icing sugar and put some sweets in a bowl.


11. Spread the icing sugar over the biscuits with a spoon.

(regular readers will see that our son had his cast off and this is his first activity without it. He is doing well).

12. Decorate with sweets arranged to look like their dad.

13. Allow to set and put away until Fathers’ Day.

14. Allow children to eat leftover sweets :O)


30 thoughts on “Face Biscuits #Fathers Day”

  1. They look delicious! I think the best gifts are homemade. I am sure they will be appreciated and won’t last long before they are all gobbled up. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I would love it if you would share this post on the Waste no Want Not Wednesday @ Pretty Shabby UK! I really think my readers will enjoy it!

    Many Thanks

    Dawn @ Pretty Shabby Uk

  3. Real cool idea! I can just imagine how delicious they were! It is wonderful that you and your family could make these to celebrate this special day. Have a great week.

  4. Hard to beat a good baking session with the kids, mine are inclined to sneak too much dough as they go!

  5. Great idea we always used to do this with our local Brownies and it always was a hit! Due to not having access to a cooker we used rich tea biscuits as a base.

  6. I just saw this lovely biscuit face in your side bar and had to pop and say hello to it! I think it is wonderful and any daddy would be happy to receive these on Fathers Day x

  7. Ant doesn’t much care for Father’s Day because he doesn’t like people to spend money on him so we always make him something using things we already have. This is a great idea and the girls will love making these!

    Popping over from Parenting Pin It Party 🙂 xx

  8. How sweet (no pun intended!) A great idea, Papapsaurus and I don’t go for the whole celebrating Mothers and Fathers Days with presents so like Michelle this fits in nicely!

  9. That is so lovely! I might just give this a go with the boy. Thanks so much for joining in with the pin it party. Have pinned to our board and my Fathers Day board.

  10. Love this! Thank you for sharing it at the Kids CoOp. I’ll be featuring this post as part of my Fathers Day roundup. xo Pauline


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