Reading is a very important skill, broadening vocabulary, giving an increased general knowledge and a better understanding of others. It is not always easy to engage children in reading in the first place to develop a love of it. Scottish Friendly Children’s Book Tour (organised by Scottish Book Trust) takes the very best UK and international authors directly into schools across Scotland and the UK to inspire a love of reading, writing and illustration. Having author’s visiting schools inspires even the most reluctant of readers and has been seen to increase book sales.
Last November the fantastic young adult author Phil Earle visited 12 different secondary schools in Falkirk, East Ayrshire and South Ayrshire, meeting over 1,500 pupils. Phil’s award-winning novels (which include The Bubble Wrap Boy, Being Billy and Saving Daisy) are inspired by real stories and real people. He encourages children to think about the stories that surround them in their everyday lives. Phil Earle believes that dialogue is important – that it really captures the personality of the character.
The Bubble Wrap Boy
Is a story about a boy called Charlie who believes that everyone is good at something. He finds that his secret talent is skateboarding and it is his one-way ticket to popularity. He just has to practice, letting nothing stop him – not being clumsy, not his over-protective mother, absolutely nothing. But Charlie is not the only family member with a secret – and his next discovery will change everything!
Phil Earle was born and raised in Hull. He trained as a drama therapist and worked in a therapeutic community in south London, caring for traumatized and abused adolescents. In support of the tour, Scottish Book Trust has offered a lucky Pinkoddy Reader a signed copy of Phil Earle’s ‘The Bubble Wrap Boy’ book in this great giveaway.
Giveaway Time
What was Phil Earle’s first job after University?
- Actor
- Radio Presenter
- Care Worker.
UK Only
Terms and Conditions Apply
Starts 23/02/2015 and ends 0:00 08/03/2015
Visit Scottish Friendly’s “On the road with Phil Earle” page to find the answer. You can also find tips for writing great dialogue by watching Phil’s video below or visiting the following page – The Importance of Writing Great Dialogue.
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A Care Worker.
3.Care Worker
3.Care Worker
a care worker
3. A care worker
3) A Careworker
3. A care worker
3. care worker
3.Care Worker
3.Care Worker
Care worker
Care Worker.
He was a trained care worker
A Care Worker.
A) care worker
A Care Worker.
Answer: 3.Care Worker
3. Care Worker
He was a care worker
A care worker
3. A care worker
care worker
3. Care Worker
care worker
A care worker
Care Worker
3. care worker
3. Care Worker
Care Worker
A Care Worker
A careworker
care worker
Care Worker.
a care worker
A Care Worker.
A care worker
Care Worker
A Care Worker
A care worker
Care Worker.
a care worker thankyou
a Careworker
The answer is a Care Worker, thanks for the giveaway.
A Care Worker.
Care Worker.
Care Worker
3.Care Worker.
A Care Worker.
A care worker
A care worker
3. A Care Worker
a care worker in a residential home
a care worker
Care Worker
3.Care Worker
3.A Care Worker
3.A Care Worker
3.A Care Worker
A care worker
Care Worker
Care Worker
A Care Worker.
3. Care Worker.
3. Care Worker.
A care worker
Care worker
3. Care Worker
He was a care worker
a care worker
3. Care Worker.
A care worker
Care Worker.
A Care Worker