Following on from Secret Life of Pets we find Terrier Max (Patton Oswalt) having to readjust to life when his owner Katie meets someone new and they have a baby (Liam). Suddenly Max sees all the danger in the world and feels that is his duty to protect Liam from them. A family holiday away on a farm sees Max having to pushing himself out of his comfort zone; whilst at the same time the other pets back at home also have to be brave – but for different reasons. Gidget (Jenny Slate) has to learn to become a cat in order to save Max’s favourite squeaky bee toy from a cat-lady’s cat filled-apartment and Snowball (Kevin Hart) helps Daisy (Tiffany Haddish) rescue an animal from the circus because he believes he really is a superhero.

Secret Life of Pets 2 is funny and even better than the original! It features underlying messages about being brave, different types of parenting and opens up a discussion about whether animals should be in the circus. The thing which annoyed me about Secret Life of Pets 2 is the very old fashioned girl needs to ask boy for help with something, which she mostly is brave enough herself and he gets to play the hero. Also in terms of the secret life of pets it doesn’t really move any further away than just dogs and cats (even though one the main characters is a rabbit). Although this simplicity is probably what make it a great family film to watch.
Secret Life of Pets 2 available to own at home
The Secret Life of Pets 2 now on DVD, Blu-ray, 4K Ultra HD and Digital Download from Universal Pictures Home Entertainment. Plus they include two brand new, laugh-out-loud funny mini-movies – Super Gidget, featuring the film’s adorable Pomeranian Gidget and her best friend Max; and Minion Scouts, starring everyone’s comical little helpers, the Minions. Additionally included are deleted scenes, DIY and drawing tutorials as well as a special interactive Captain Snowball Motion Comic allowing viewers to direct our boisterous bunny hero on his next move exclusive to the 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray™ versions!

a Rafflecopter giveawayThree characters had to be brave during Secret Life of Pets 2 – what have you had to be brave about and what helped you overcome your fear?
UK entry only
E: 21/10/2019
I received a Blue Ray Copy of Secret Life of Pets 2 for purposes of review. All opinions are honest and my own.
I have a phobia of the dentist when I go I have to have sedative and knock out anyway the week was my 6 year old daughters turn to have a small filling I had to be brave for her I overcome it because I’m her mummy I have to show her that you don’t need to be scared of the dentist
I’m terrified of the dentist but managed to overcome my fear with the support of my loving wife and now attend every 6 months for my check ups….without the trembling and vomiting of before!
I always had a fear of water/swimming. However having two beautiful children, I didn’t want to pass my fear onto them, so have got in the water, and take them both to lessons, as well as learning to swim myself
Flying I was so nervous i would stop in my seat for the entire flight, however I sat next to a lady who was petrified and I bit the bullet and comforted her and since then I have been OK
I used to be an absolute nightmare on a flight. But then I had kids and I had to show calm for them and now I find it much easier
A fear of spiders, I know it seems silly now but they are just so fast and alien. I got over it by picking up small and progressively bigger spiders around the house
Flying and still nervous. Only did an hour to France last year and i was trying to zone out and clung to the seat. Felt sorry for woman sat next to me hah
Was brave about having a wisdom tooth out, I am not sure anything helped me overcome my fear but the knowledge it would be over by the evening got me through!
I remember exams would always scare me and one of mine went through his GCSEs this year – I cannot imagine how he dealt with all that pressure!
I have always been scared of moths but now I am on my own I have no choice but to deal with them myself. It is really a case of needing to that made me overcome my fear.
I’m afraid of large crowds. Having someone else with me helps
I hate spiders, and my niece was terrified of one when she came to stay. I had to be brave for her, and get the spider outside with a container. It might not sound like much but I was terrified!
I always had a bit of a fear of spiders but having a daughter changed that, she made me realise I had to stop being a bit of a wimp and deal with them because no-one else was going to!!
I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear; knowing what must be done does away with fear.
Dragonflies. As time went by, I just became braver.
snakes i still dont like them but my son always wanted to hold one so i had to go with him
Painting the chimney – scaffolding helped me be braver!
I suffer from anxiety especially in crowds. My niece was dancing at the local theatre, for me being in places like theatres/cinemas make me very anxious but I pushed myself and went and I enjoyed seeing her on stage.
I used to be terrified of spiders and creepy crawlies but since moving into the countryside there’s far too many to be afraid. I’ve had to get used to them x
I recently went to the Eden project and was very scared of climbing to the top of the dome on the open suspended stairway as I have a fear of heights. I was really glad that I did it although my legs shook for a good while after!
I am afraid of the dentist, but I make myself go and I think it is becoming a bit easier now
I’ve recently started working again after 10 years out looking after my children and going to the interviews were terrifying! The first couple didn’t work out but they were good experience and helped me get a job I love now.
Heights, but i seem to got better older i’ve become
I’ve always been nervous of going underwater, I got over my fear just by making myself do it over and again.
I had to be brave to go on a big wheel as I’m terrified of height and it was my 5 year old Grandson who helped me brave it as he was really wanting to go on it, and I didn’t want him to be frightened because I was so I braved it and he loved it…. I was a quivering wreck but kept it hidden from him.
Clowns, drowning, heights, fire and hospitals … all eased as I got older, I just clench my hands