Sunday the last long run before the Marathon
With one week to go until the Virtual London Marathon I needed to do an 8 mile long run. The Sunday runners said they were going out further than I needed. I could stop off at 8.5 miles but then I would need to get home. I felt I really needed to try and do it by myself to get the pacing right. I also wanted to jeff as I would be on the day – and I tend to run and walk randomly with them.

As it happens I went out and found a new route and was back home before most of the house had even got up. In fact I had had a shower and a second breakfast before the teen even got up! I managed to keep my pace just under 11 minute miles (well quite a bit but not too much) which ideally I would have loved to be able to do throughout the marathon – but realistically I wasn’t going to be disheartened if I didn’t.
Running in the Cold
Most of the runs lately have been about adapting to the heat. So the cold weather was a bit of a shock. Usually even when it is cold I am really hot by half a mile in. But on this run I remember still being cold at a mile and a half. Then at 4 miles I suddenly thought about how I hadn’t realised when it was that I stopped feeling cold.

Still with a complete lack of route or any plan for the actual day one of the ladies I run with at club and on Sundays sent me over one on Strava. So I had a vague idea of where I was going. It meant being brave and running a long way away from home. I knew if things got desperate my husband would drive over.
After the Long Sunday Run
I still spent most of the day being particularly drained. I think I should have still had a proper nap. As it was I tried a 15 minute meditation sleep. I didn’t really achieve much in the day. Did a food shop and in the evening took the youngest for a walk and got the ironing done.

By dinner time I started to feel a bit unwell. Just a sore throat but generally a bit ugh. It was at dinner that the youngest also said he had a sore throat.
The Week Building up to the Marathon
Monday all the kids went to school okay. I was meant to just do a gentle jog for 3 miles, but after I had done the school run but I wasn’t feeling well at all so came straight home. Tuesday I was meant to do an easy 4 miles jogging and a bit faster for the middle 2. But my head was really hurting, I felt so lethargic and ended up having a 3 hour nap whilst the boys were at school. I was drinking lots of hot Ribenas and Lemsip Maxs. Wednesday I felt hopeful as I was better than I was the day before but still not well. I had lots to do though as we had a very important birthday to celebrate. Needless to say the 2 mile jogs on Thursday and Saturday did not occur.

My diet was really bad. I had soup, fish finger sandwiches and generally had loads of things filled with what I assume is carbs (white bread, pancakes, croissants, etc) and there was the day we all had party food. We also had a Chinese takeaway and a McDonalds the night before the marathon.
Getting Ready for the Marathon
Then the night before I got all my stuff ready and had an early night. I did forget my trainers in the flatlay. You may recall my quest for new running shoes – well I ended up with some cheap black Nike trainers – as the pink ones got punctured when I stood on something. They were run in quite a bit but never needed breaking in.

Thank you to everyone who sponsored me to raise funds for Winston’s Wish.
Ahh well done Joy! You did amazingly to keep going and do the marathon even though you had been ill the week before, that must have made things so difficult!
What a worry that you were ill so close to the marathon. I’m so glad you recovered in time! I’m glad you found some trainers that worked for you, but I gasped at the idea of McDonalds and Chinese the day before a marathon! That’s because with my IBS I have to be really careful what I eat before running, it’s probably fine for most people.
I look forward to reading all about the big day soon. x