Changing HRT Again! Saying Goodbye To The Tablets!

When it came to changing HRT again I was a bit nervous. Last time the doctor had told me that if it didn’t work out then I would have to accept that possibly I wasn’t perimenopausal. This also triggered the idea that blood tests would be needed – and I have a needle phobia! The … Read more

Told I Need to Stop HRT at 51

Last week I finally received a phone call from the doctor who originally put me on HRT about how some of my peri-menopausal symptoms have returned. This conversation resulted in her telling me that I must stop HRT at 51 years old; as well as changing the HRT I am currently on. Starting HRT At … Read more

How Easy HRT is to Increase with Returning Symptoms

For those who have been following my HRT journey here is an update since my last HRT review. For context I started HRT in June and the review was in September. Recap of My HRT Journey and About Me For those unfamiliar I have been suffering for years with perimenopause symptoms. Actually the first time … Read more

Health & Fitness Update: Could HRT be the Answer?

Just a bit of an update really on my health and fitness for those who are interested. Honestly I feel like I am pinning all my hopes on being peri-menopausal at the moment and that HRT is going to be the answer to pretty much everything! Peri-Menopause and HRT Even though I’m only forty-four I … Read more

Adenomyosis – Being Told I have it And What I know

April is Adenomyosis awareness month. At the age of forty-five I found out recently that I have this. There wasn’t much explanation about it at all but I will tell you how I found out and what I know. How I Found Out I Have Adenomyosis For as long as I can remember I have … Read more

Menopause Lifestyle Changes You Need To Know About Now

Unless you’re already doing them, menopause lifestyle changes are something that should be thought about long before the perimenopause even starts. In fact they are really something that should be considered by those in their 30s at least! Menopause is actually the day when there has been an absence of periods for a year. However … Read more

Back to Work After a Long Break & What It’s Like

Sixteen years ago this July I went on maternity leave. In the end I opted not to return as it would make breastfeeding more difficult, and the eldest was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome that year and needed extra support. Since then we have managed on any disability related benefits and my husband’s wage. But now … Read more