After My First Half Marathon

sports day

The following day after my first Half Marathon I can honestly say that I did not really feel the pain in my foot. No my legs hurt too much to notice! Going down the stairs was particularly a killer. I found going down on my bum helped but apparently backwards also does the trick. My thighs … Read more

My First Half Marathon

My First Half Marathon

The day of my first marathon arrived and by this point I had it in my head that I was going to try. I had set my alarm clock early so that I had time to ice my foot again. As it happens I woke earlier than that so iced it even longer (please note … Read more

The Week Running up to the Half Marathon

taping foot for plantar fasciitis

The week running up to my first half marathon was one of many mixed emotions. The pain from Plantar Fasciitis was so constantly niggly and at times totally unbearable that it was draining me and making me really tired. I wasn’t sure whether I was even able to walk the Half Marathon. I had a … Read more

Plantar Fasciitis during Half Marathon Training

Plantar Fasciitis

About Plantar Fasciitis This week has been all about the Plantar Fasciitis. Yes that niggling heel pain I was feeling turned into absolute hell! The plantar fascia ligament connects the heel bone to the toes and supports the arch of the foot. When it is strained it becomes weak, swollen and inflamed. I think it … Read more

Half Marathon Training – Time to throw in the towel?

asics gel

With less than 2 weeks to go I have to question whether I am going to be fit enough to do this Half Marathon after all! This week has been hard – and not because of any exercise but because of a complete lack of it! My foot (and sometimes up my leg) is hurting … Read more

Half Marathon Training Tapering Easter Holidays

idrobike aqua spin

Heading closer to the Half Marathon big day and feeling more nervous. Really wanting to put in the extra mileage but actually hurting so much that I have been worried about running at all! It is now that I am fearing that I won’t make it. Worrying whether it is advisable to switch which trainers … Read more

Half Marathon Training – 12 Miles Week

Half Marathon Training - 12 Miles Week

This week I still wasn’t feeling it and genuinely feared that I could not run again. Much better than pre-sports massage when I could hardly walk. I missed running club again and actually I was meant to be on a rest week. By Wednesday I actually cycled to my friend’s house, to the school and … Read more

Half Marathon Training – Injury Week

Half Marathon Training - Injury Week

This week was injury week. I am actually surprised I got this far after talking to other people who have trained for a half-marathon but yet it came so unexpectedly. In hindsight I can see how I had over-done it previously. On the Monday and Tuesday morning I did run rather fast on the school … Read more

Strengthening Week Half Marathon Training

Strengthening Week Half Marathon Training

This week I worked on strengthening. I actually write these behind so I can tell you that this week I overdid it and what I did is really not advisable – more about that in next week’s write-up but let me tell you about my packed-week. It started on Monday when I decided that I … Read more

Half Marathon Training Up to 11 Miles!

Half Marathon Training Up to 11 Miles!

Fittingly this week happened to be Race Week here in Gloucestershire and I thought that I would start the week off with a run. I intended to go much further than I did but got really hot really quickly and needed to drink my bottle of water I take out with me earlier than usual. … Read more