Sensory Processing Disorder – Proprioception #Body Position

15 thoughts on “Sensory Processing Disorder – Proprioception #Body Position”

  1. What a great post…so informative thanks. I find that my spd twin needs lots of heavy work which we usually get to do outside. She also likes to rock in our recliner chair and jump on the mini tramp when she needs to though to. Am working on a similar article at the moment…would it be ok to link back to you?x

    • Thank you. I have a lot more, and just been given an amazing book, which I am allowed to add lots of information from. Am glad you have found things that work for your twin. Yes of course you can link back, thank you.

  2. Great post Joy, full of very useful information. I used to help out at riding for the disabled and it was amazing how getting onto a pony really did make a difference 🙂

  3. Proprioception is a weird thing. I’ve been told by physios that mine is messed up, not sure which are causes, which have been caused by, but still contribute towards the general mess that is me. But the combination of meningitis, resulting in auditory nerve damage & deafness, which lead to 2 broken ankles, and being hypermobile anyway means I have a reduced awareness of the location of the lower half of my body in relation to itself, and really poor balance. While I don’t have the SPD issues to contend with (apart from the pregnancy use of the same initials), it’s still quite a challenge to move “normally”, particularly when there are other factors to contend with (changes in surface, slopes, other people).

      • For me it’s really just been a case of slowing down, and having to be super-careful, especially with things like steps & slopes. Physio helped, lots of balance work on wobble boards, moving on to throwing & catching a football while standing on the balance board, so that your lower limbs learn to correct balance naturally. And learning not to use the hypermobility. While it may be fun as a kid to dislocate your kneecap or bend your thumbs back, it doesn’t help.


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