Disneyland Paris – The Magic is Much Cheaper than you Think
I have just visited Disneyland Paris again during our visit to France. It was a full day in the park. We arrived there a little bit later than I would have liked (ie not as soon as the park opened) but left at midnight.
Due to our son’s special needs we did not have to queue either, so fitted rather a lot in. Considering that there were 5 of us (2 adults, 11, 7 and 6 year olds). It was school holidays and the weather was gorgeous. I think we did really well on what I would consider a relatively small budget. Especially for going abroad and experiencing the magic of Disney.
How to do Disneyland Paris on a Budget
Getting to France
I am talking in terms of driving to France. This is by far the cheapest option, especially for families of 5 or 6 people like ourselves. If considering whether you want to take the Ferry or use the Euro Tunnel, then consider using Tesco vouchers. Then think about your needs. The Ferry is a longer route giving the driver more of a rest but is more direct onto the Toll road (peage) needed for Disneyland.
Note if you do want to avoid the tolls and end up at one there is an exit off the road. In our experience people were quite used to reversing back out of the booths for one reason or another. If you do go through though don’t lose your ticket. It is helpful if you are paying with cash to have the right change. Plus have some extra in case the coin doesn’t go through okay.
We prefer the Euro Tunnel with its quicker route. But also mainly because we do not have to worry about getting the children in and out of the car. Save money by ordering everything you need (such as headlight adapters) before you set off. Take plenty of snacks and drinks with you for the journey, and in-car entertainment. Diesel is cheaper in France so consider filling up once over there. Try to fill up at the hypermarkets (hypermarche) but be warned that some places only accept cards.
Previously we had stayed at Disney’s Davy Crockett Ranch as it best suited our needs. At the time our oldest son was consider an adult and the youngest 3 went free. Plus it meant all 6 of us could sleep in the same accommodation. They have now stopped providing breakfast there and it is no longer a cheap option for us. So this time we stayed at EuroCamp through the Sun Holidays.
It was a Monday to Friday break which cost us around £130. I believe that you can also get a holiday for 4 in France from them for £60 with The Sun. I believe this also includes the school summer holidays too (but don’t quote me on that). We weren’t originally intending on visiting Disney again so the location was over a 2 hour drive away. Plus that included a toll road.
Planning where your Accommodation is Located
If I were planning my holiday specifically for Disney I would look at campsites closer by such as La Croix du Vieux Pont. Of course there is the option of taking a tent but I am not sure if this would be any cheaper. Think about how much it will cost you to get to Disneyland from your accommodation. However, also consider how far it is from home – including the cost of any Toll roads, as well as fuel.
If you are using the Toll roads try to ensure you pay with cash to avoid any extra cash handling fees. Plus any other attractions in France you may want to visit. You may also want to think about rest days when visiting Disney.
Disneyland Paris Entry Tickets
We bought our Disneyland Paris tickets from AttractionTix. They have an offer on 37% off the gate price , so prices are from £34.50. It was interesting to speak to other people in the park who had done the same too, as we hadn’t heard of them until recently. It was simple in that I paid over the phone and was e-mailed a ticket to print out. We then went to Guest Services at the side of the main hotel who exchanged the ticket for entry tickets. Note that I did need to show them my passport. I am not sure if there was any kind of option for paying for parking in advanced but this cost us 15 Euros for the day.
When you want to visit Disneyland Paris
You need to think about when you want to go. Consider the opening hours, what is on offer (eg is it Halloween, Christmas, is it open until late). There are essential 3 tiers – super busy (Super Magic Ticket), busy (Magic Ticket) and quiet (mini ticket). AttractionTix have a calendar graphic to help you understand better how much it will cost.
All 3 times we have been we go in the May/June half term as the French children are at school but we do not need to pull our children out of school during term time. This means the weather is nice and it is not too crowded. When you want to go will also influence how much you pay.
One Park or Two
We visited both Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios. Personally I prefer Walt Disney Studios – there’s the new Ratatouille: L’Aventure Totalement Toquée de Rémy 3D ride and my very favourite Rock and Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith, The Tower of Terror and not to mention the chance to meet Spiderman!
There’s plenty of shows for the younger children as well as the thrills of the older. I feel it is quieter than the main Disneyland Park but it may shut earlier. Of course Disneyland Park has the castle and lots more to do as well as staying open later. I recommend Pirates of the Caribbean, It’s a Small World, Big Thunder Mountain and Space Moutain: Mission 2 (although unfortunately this was not open when we went this time).
Stay the Day
Try to plan what you want to see so that you do not end up going backwards and forwards around the park. If you have children of different heights try to arrange this so any one of them is not going to be standing around for any length of time (although there is always plenty to see). We stayed until midnight and it was well worth it.
The park itself looked amazing all lit up and that was before a very stunning light show. If you are staying a long time and so end up eating at the park I would recommend you planning where you want to eat AND an alternative before you go (there is a budget rating on the map for each restaurant).
We wished to eat at Pizza Planet but was closed when we arrived – I think if we had been any more hungry/tired we would have just fell into the nearest place. Having an idea of where else suited our budget and tastes helps. Of course you can completely leave the park and eat elsewhere. AttractionTix also have an offer on a 2 course meal at Planet Hollywood located in the Disney Village.
Take a bag
We took quite a big bag in with us to save us wasting time walking backwards and forwards to the car. In it we took empty water bottles to refill from the various fountains around the park. Try to find out where these are – I know there are ones by Big Thunder Mountain in the main Disneyland Paris Park and by the toilets by The Tower of Terror in Walt Disney Studios.
If you have children who are like mine and do not like plain water then invest in something like Vimto Squeezy before you go. Take a packed lunch with you – but remember you are going to have to carry it. Most rides you can take the bag with you.
Other things to Consider
Disney merchandise is very expensive at Disneyland Paris so buy before you leave home – any outfits for the kids, autograph books and pens etc. Take a camera but there’s also package options for buying more than one professionally taken or ride photo whilst you are there.
You may also be interested in Playdays & Runways’ Post on Visiting Disneyland Paris During Halloween Season
If you have any other money saving tips for visiting Disneyland Paris I would love to hear them please.
I bought discounted tickets to Disneyland Paris from AttractionTix all words and opinions are my own.
Good tip about going during the May half term – hadn’t realised the French were at school then.
I haven’t been to Disneyland Paris since it very first opened, and I went on a school trip. We’re planning on taking Ruby soon so this is really helpful. x
We haven’t been since Mini was 6 months old. I remember we did it on a budget then too. We always use the tunnel as I am a terrible traveller on a boat due to sea sickness
What a brilliant post Joy. We’re considering taking ours back in the Summer as it’s been about five years since we were last there and this is so helpful.
PS I love the Vimto squeezies and always have one in my bag on days out!
I am super eager to take Amy, but I have to do my research first and put some money aside. This post was a great starting point though: Disneyland, here we come – next year or so
I haven’t been there for over a decade now – we are waiting for Kitty and Ozzy to get a bit older before we take them and this is handy advice for when the time comes x
Attraction tix are who we get our tickets through = I totally recommend them too.
Ooh that is a really useful post, we are going this summer and I can’t wait but I know how expensive it is, so if there are any ways of saving money then it is a good idea.
This is amazingly helpful and so many tips here.
we took the twins last year to disneyland Paris and we stayed at a campsite in our caravan about 1 hour away. We did 1 day tip and loved it.
I’d love to take them back and I will certainly keep your post in mind when i start preparing – May half term it is then!
Attreaction tix are very good , we have used them when we went to Florida
What a great idea to go in half-tem when they are in school in France…genius. We love Disneyland, and now I have the perfect reason to go back again!
Excellebt post! Totally agree about using Tesco vouchers to pay for the tunnel. Remember that if you’re going for more than one day, an annual pass may be cheaper. Just one day’s car parking saved, plus the numerous 10 & 20% discounts often make an annual pass worthwhile
being mum of 7 with one on the way we would love to do this but it would cost a fortune in passports firstly then the hotel , we are looking into camping it though
It sounds amazing, ive never been but my sister has and she loved it x
Great tips, we went in 2013 and are desperate to go back. The merchandise is stupidly expensive so we took costumes for them to wear along with us
Bookmarking this one as we are planning a trip next year! Fab tips, thanks!
Thanks for the tips, I will be looking in to making another visit I’ve book marked the site for tickets and hope they keep the discounts going.
I would love to take my son to Disneyland. I think I need to pay some serious attention to your tips, before he gets much older!
I love Disney it is somewhere I really want to go again, so its great to know it can be done on a budget.
So impressed by your thriftiness this sounds ACE
Lots of great tips here!
That’s fab, really good tips! I never knew that about May half-term. We have been a few times before and my best money-saving tips would be to buy snacks from the newsagent by the railway station, which isn’t part of Disney and is therefore normal price, and buy one meal a day at McDonalds – also normal price (although very busy!).
Well my kids will certainly be glad I read this as they are always hassling me and I cite money as the barrier! Mich x
Great tips – we were there a few weeks ago and had the best time, I love it there.
Some really fab tips here, I always think the prices are going to be prohibitive for us, but it actually sounds like it is possible to do it reasonably!
I would love to take the boys here, but sadly even doing it in a cheaper wasy, I don’t think we can afford it at the moment as we’ve only recently had solar panels fitted and eek were they expensive!
Stevie x
Great tips especially about empty water bottles. We are taking all seven eek at easter, they are all so excited
My kids woudl LOVE to do this Joy
Great tips, I last went there when I was 16 and loved it. We’ve never gotten around to taking the boys, but it sounds much more affordable the way you did it so we may consider it.
Stevie x
wow, what great tips thanks for that – we have been wanting to do disney for ages.
definitely got somethings to consider now
This is brilliant, I am planning to go next year for the little ones 4th birthday and to get around the Hubby who thinks its far to expensive these tips will be great in helping me to persuade him that it is a must do trip for our Disney loving little girl.
Heading to Disneyland soon, will bear these in mind!
Oh this is brilliant, I have been thinking about Disneyland recently and I wouldn’t have a clue what to do for the best as the last I went I was a child! So this is really helpful
We hope to go to Disneyland soon and it’s really expensive so this is brilliant! Thanks
We hope to go to Disneyland soon and it’s really expensive so this is brilliant! Thanks
Lots of great tips. Thank you
Thank you for this lovely tips Joy. It’s always a good idea to plan your vacation in advance, no matter if you are going to visit Disney World for the first time or if you have been there several times before. You may save money as well as time by planning before you head off to the magic world. Be sure to find out what you would like to do when you arrive in Disney World. There are lots of choices to be made and your vacation will be more delightful if you have most things planned in advance. That goes for the budget as well as which attractions you would like to experience.
I really love to spend time at Disneyland Paris. It’s amazing. You had a mesmerising experience there. Thanks for sharing this!
Some fab tips here Joy thankyou
Wow – I’ve never been to DisneyLand paris but this certianly makes me want to go. But I have to say, I’ll always have a special place in my heart for the original in California!
Always been a dream of mine to visit, waiting for my kids to be a little older. Great tips!