Strawberry Star Cakes

We decided to experiment with colour and flavour to the basic fairy cake recipe by mixing in the Christmas colour red, and then decorating with Christmas stars 🙂

mixing cakes

Mix together
5 medium eggs
6 oz butter
6 oz self raising flour
3 oz castor sugar
A splash of strawberry flavouring
A dash of red food colouring


Spoon into cake cases bake at 180 degrees (fan oven – please adjust your times accordingly) for 15-20 minutes (when the cakes have risen and smell “cooked”)

Leave to cool

add red icing

Mix up some icing sugar and add a dash of colour.

Spoon the mixture onto the cakes & add stars.

stars cakes

Allow to set.


Please note these cakes were loving made and decorated by my 3 youngest children who are 8, 4 & 2.

5 thoughts on “Strawberry Star Cakes”

  1. These strawberry star cakes look so beautiful and I can just imagine how delicious they are. It is great that your children helped to make them. Thanks for participating in the Creative Thursday Blog Hop.


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