Back at the start of the school holidays, I ended up at Dick Whitington Farm Park quite by accident. My husband had taken my two oldest children to a theme park, celebrating my son’s coming of height – yes now he is 10 years old he had reached the magic 1.4m mark required to go on most thrill rides. That now he was all grown up it would be marked without his younger brothers towing along, and more importantly his mum. See the thing is I am one of those mothers that watch and intervene. I will tell him he has to hold on because I am scared (even though I know he is fine!). This is why I encourage them to go – let them grow up. Anyway, my 5 year old was meant to go to a football club but it got cancelled at the last minute. This didn’t leave much time for making plans. We had gone swimming in the morning and it left us with the afternoon. I don’t like driving much but decided that I would conquer my fear and drive them to a place to go berry picking. I don’t have any form of satellite navigation so was relying on just looking at a map before I set out. I arrived at a place, and shaking that I had done, approach the man. Now understand that not only is it driving, I don’t really ‘do’ new stuff and was absolutely shaking. He rudely told me that I was not in the right place, (he was just selling berries and it was NOT pick your own), and how I’d wasted his time, blah, blah, blah.
All I had to help me on my way was my Google maps – but alas there was no internet signal. Relying on good old fashioned street signs I found one that said farm park (or something similar) and wondered if that is what it came under. I was well impressed because I even managed to swap lanes at the traffic lights (thank you to the polite gentleman that let me move over too) as I only saw the sign at the last minute. As we got closer I noticed that it was leading to the Dick Whittington Farm Park, so I knew I wasn’t in the right place. Last time I was there was about six years ago, and it had got a bit of a reputation for, let’s just say not being your first choice of place to visit. As we were here though I thought I’d give it a chance.

Personally I think the pricing policy is bit weird as you pay more for adults without a child than a child (say if both parents wanted to come with one child). It cost me £16.50 for myself and 2 children – and it was only open for another 2 1/2 hours.
If I had gone for the “farm” I’d have been a bit disappointed. Some of the barns were empty and smelly, and others the animals did not look in the best of health.
But I don’t think it was that expensive and the animals all had plenty of space. My youngest was determined to wake this sleeping pig up!
And you could get up close to the animals, including a peacock strutting about.
There were also a good variety of indoor barns.
With a range of animals that my boys were less familiar with.
As well as those which would be kept as pets.
With plenty of land to run around and explore.
Of course they loved the play area – which had lots and lots of coloured balls (these ones are from the bottom of the blue slide).
It was lovely to see them so close, as we do tend to go out as a whole family.
There is quiet a variety of slides there.
and soft play areas.
and play houses/castle.
The entry price didn’t cover everything so there was more ways for the children to spend your money – such as on the ride ons.
The water machines.
The tractor ride.
The Go-karts (I might be wrong they may have been something else – they were battery powered and whatever they were the boys didn’t go on).
There was a lovely outdoor play area too – with a castle and diggers,
The boys had a really good day, and loved going down the slides again and again. I think if I were to go again I’d make sure we spent the day there and took a picnic – but then I’m not sure that there is enough there without the boys getting bored. It is much cheaper than some other places though. I wouldn’t take my 10 year old as it is really for the younger ones. I think may be if I lived slightly closer it may also be more appealing.
I do think it has come a long way since I last came and I did not find it to be dirty.
This is not a sponsored post, I felt that I wanted to share what a nice place to visit it can be, as I have heard a lot of bad publicity for the place.
Well done for all the driving Joy, it can’t have been easy for you when you don’t like it. How rude of the berry man, some people have such great customer rapport don’t they ha! It does look like the boys had lots of fun though. We have a similar place near us and it definitely has it’s ups and downs too and the last time we were there it cost £7.00 for our youngest and she was 6 months old! – I think that’s why we’ve never gone back.
The slides look identical to our local farm park. I know my children love them. Farm parks really vary. There is one farm park, not far from us, that I will never go to again. The others are OK. Before I had sat nav, it became a running joke with my friends that I always got lost on my way to meet them at farm parks.
This place looks fantastic! i love the slide x
Although it was quite expensive for a few hours the boys obviously had a great time! As you say perfect for the younger ones with the variety of animals, ride on’s and indoor play areas.
How mean of the berry man, and well done you for getting there in the end, even though it wasn’t exactly what you’d planned. It’s great that the children enjoyed the trip and I love the idea of the coming of height trip for your older one. I have a weekly #familydays out Linky if you’d like to join in.
I’m glad the day turned out well in the end, I also hate driving somewhere new – I would not be without my satnav! The variety of activities looks great for wee ones, lots of fun. Can’t get over the rude berry man – how unnecessary!
What a fun day out with your boys! Some of those slides look amazing, I bet they loved it.
I am such a wimp I don’t drive at all, so you are very brave to me! It looks like you managed to squeeze loads into a couple of hours x
I’m glad you wrote this up – we went a few years ago and weren’t over impressed, but it does seem to have a bit more going on, I think my kids would quite enjoy it – but we’ll take your advice to pack a picnic. Thank you for the advice!
That looks like a great place for young children – my two would love it!
Farm parks can be such fun when they do it right!
Looks like you had a really great time. We have a similar farm near us and it is such a great day out. I love the look of the castle play area.
We have a very similar place near us which we don’t go to much nowadays since the kids are older, but they do still love it
Nice to review a place that has got stuck with a bad rep and the play areas look great! xx
WOW what a fantastic farm. I love it! We have one like this near us which is similar.
Love the photos
Those slides would be a big hit with my kids. My husband can’t wait too until my kids are tall enough to take them on the big rides at a theme park – but he has a few more years to wait!