For those of you who are not familiar with Skylanders, it is a video game series that are played along with toy figures. There is a Portal of Power that changes colours whilst it interacts with the game, reading the figures tag through near field communication (NFC): with the players using the portal to bring the real life action figures into the video game. Each of the characters fit into one of eight elemental categories: Earth, Air, Life, Magic, Fire, Tech, Undead and Water. All the characters are able to be used on all the different games consoles, as long as they have the appropriate disk to go with them. This October saw the release of the new Skylanders – Trap Team. My seven year old has written all about it:
“Skylanders Trap Team is epic because now when you kill a bad guy you can fight as them. The first villain you trap is Sheep Creep then the Gulper. The hardest villain is super evil Kaos. You also get to play Skystones in levels. There are traps, there are elements: dark, unknown, undead and tech. We got it on the Playstation 4 and we have four trap masters. Also we have two water traps, one life, one undead, one tech, one magic, one earth, one air and one fire. You only need one of every trap except for the unknown because they don’t have pictures, but the others do. If you could imagine you could swap the Trap Masters. Bigger the enemy tougher the attacks.” A – aged 7.
As a parent I think that the great thing about Skylanders Trap Team is that you can trap villains on one profile and then use them on another – just great for when his little brother is struggling. And although the villain can be lost on the new profile (through a fight or by changing the villain in the trap) the villain will remain on the the original profile. I do like how he has only needed a few new traps in able to enjoy the game, and new characters are nice but not essential.
Since writing this information for me (he did it all by hand) he has been super excited to receive a Kaos Trap! The Kaos Traps will be available from all the usual Skylanders retailers in November, but this Halloween Friday, each Smyth’s Toys will have 24 Kaos Traps to sell early! Some will also be available online.
My son received a free Kaos Trap today in order for me to spread the word about the release of the Kaos Traps. He had already written his first blog post on the subject as he loves the game so much. Note that the Traps only work with the new Skylanders Trap Team game and not on previous Skylander editions. All words and opinions are our own.
These sound fab & I’m sure if my son was a little younger he would have loved this. Well written blog post that describes the toy from the target audiences viewpoint
My little boy has loved Skylanders and this sounds like another great edition of it – I love the feature you mentioned about saving it on one profile and using it on another x
Skylanders seem to have passed us by …. they look kind of awesome though!
Skylanders looks great – Sausage seems to be coming out of her super girly ‘everything has to be pink and princessy’ phase so I think she might enjoy Skylanders herself now! (And even if she didn’t, I bet my husband would!)
lol! How much do you want for the Kaos trap?