I have searched around and there’s no posts on training for a marathon in a month, even jeffing. It just isn’t recommended. In fact the jeffing marathon training in the last month says run 26 miles on that first week and then taper it down – which is no good for someone like me who has only just agreed to do the Virtual London Marathon.

Why I have agreed to take part in the Virtual London Marathon
Due to the pandemic many charities have suffered. Winston’s Wish were looking for people to take part in the Virtual London Marathon raising whatever money they could. You see they estimate that they will have lost 40% of their income this year. Therefore, now more than ever they need all the help they can get.
About Winston’s Wish
Winston’s Wish work closely with children and young people who have lost someone important. Last year they supported an estimated 17,340 after a death of a parent or sibling – an increase of 18% from the year before. I do not even want to think about what the pandemic will do to those figures this year! Winston’s Wish offer services such as online support, face-to-face chats and memory boxes.
As my own brother died at age 6 when I was only two years of age myself, I can really appreciate how having the right support at such a difficult time can make such a difference. I have previously supported Winston’s Wish and you can read more about why their work is important in the previous post.

Running in the time leading up to this Point
Regular readers will know I am not very good at training for big races. This year I was really making an effort and had entered 10 mile races in December, January, February and also a half marathon in January (the first time I tried jeffing) and a 20 mile race in March (the last before lockdown).

Lockdown happened and I have to admit I have managed to keep up jeffing my 10 miles at least once a month. I have even done regular long Sunday runs with friends and we have gone as far as 18 miles (with possibly a long break for ice-cream in the middle). I had a dip with mileage last month where I went back down to 61 miles for the month – but May I managed 90, June 102.8 and July 103. This week I have jeffed or run 37.2 miles.
Marathon Ready
I am no-where near ready for a Marathon in terms of energy levels ad fuelling, which I believe is really the thing holding me back. The Virtual London Marathon allows you 24 hours to finish (if you want to start at midnight!) so I am guessing that I could even stop for a meal and carry on. I do have someone who said they would be a fuel station for me. I have predicted my time as 6 hours and 1 minute. My previous marathon was Race to the Tower which we walked in 12 1/2 hours.

I have someone who has said they will run with me to help me get round too. I have been trying different fuelling options, and now have a better backpack and bladder which should help. I think I have been over-hydrating and washing away the good stuff.
I haven’t even decided if I am going to jeff a 3:2 or a 2:1 – the 30 second recovery ratio which Jeff recommends definitely isn’t for me.
What Next for my Marathon Training
Well this week I had returned to my running group, and last week I started back with the Jeffers. This would help me stay focused as well as ensure I tried different routes, and challenged myself. But now with the change in rules this may mean they are unable to run again due to the maximum of 6 people rule. Which means I will have to motivate myself. As usual I have no plan, I am useless at strength training, and I am just going to go with it. Wish me luck!
Sponsor Me Please
The Virtual London Marathon is Sunday October 4th 2020 and what will really help me to keep going is if people would kindly help by sponsoring me so that I can help Winston’s Wish. Even just £1 can make such a difference.
Thank you very much xx
Disclaimer: Winston’s Wish have given me a charity place for the Virtual London Marathon and a vest top.
Brilliant Joy, you’re going to be fab. You have a great base fitness level already from your running so I am sure you will be fine. I found Clif Shot Bloks great for fuelling during my last marathon.
Thank you I have loads of energy gels which go out of date the next day. I appreciate your support. I have new trainers too.
Good luck! It’s great that you haven’t set yourself a really tough target in terms of time. I’m sure with that bit of time you’ve got left to train you will manage to get stronger and reach your target time. In terms of fuelling, I would recommend little and often! I have something every two miles and it works for me. It’s still only about 500 calories in total when I’m burning off 2600, but it definitely helps! X
I’m not even that bothered about the time just not running out of energy. Thanks for the fuelling advice – that’s about in line with the every 20 minutes someone else told me too