- Measuring Scales
- Bowls
- Grater
- Knife
- Frying pan
- Spatula
- 2 Saucepans
- Drainer
- Baking tray
- Kitchen towel
- Foil
For the Chicken

1 pack of chicken breasts
1 pack of bacon

Olive oil
4 0z of grated cheddar cheese
For the fresh herbed pasta

300 ml Double cream
Garlic granules
Handful of fresh chives and parsley
Dill (preferably fresh)
salt and pepper
Pasta (recipe states 125 g but you may need to adjust this depending on the size of your family).
For the sautéed broccoli

Broccoli heads
Olive oil
1 oz butter
splash of water
- Grate the cheese and cut the chicken into small pieces (it helps it cook quicker).
- Fry the chicken in some olive oil until all the chicken changes colour.
- Place the chicken on some kitchen towel to take off any excess oil.
- Lay out the bacon and sprinkle on some grated cheese then wrap around the cooked chicken. Secure (I ran out of foil which I assume is more ideal, but am using grease proof paper).

5. Place on a baking tray and cook in the oven (I have a fan oven and am cooking at 180) for 15-20 minutes – or until you can “smell” that the bacon is cooked.

6. Boil the pasta. Whilst this is cooking, add the cream and the garlic in another saucepan; bring this to the boil and then remove from the heat. Add the herbs & seasonings (salt & pepper). Drain the cooked pasta and stir into the other pan with the creamy garlic.

7. For the broccoli, heat the olive oil and butter in a frying pan, add the broccoli and a splash of water and sauté ( fry lightly in fat in a shallow open pan) for three minutes.

8. Serve by placing the pasta on the plate and the broccoli on the side, with the chicken on the top.

Adapted from a recipe by James Tanner From Ready Steady Cook on the BBC Food Recipes site
really great photos! (And plates) Oh and the food looks good too…
Thank you. The pink plate was from Next in the sale.