#S2S2D Emma goes to the Ballet & Opera

In case you were not aware Emma Day, who blogs over at Crazywithtwins, had to have internal radiotherapy – read my original post here. Luckily it came out of her body quicker than she thought and is able to hug her family again.

Today I am hosting the Shoulder to Shoulder To Day Bloghop – please link up posts for Emma – to cheer her up, or to tell your story.

We would like to find a Sponsor to buy an iPad for the iodine room at the Cheltenham General Hospital – please get in touch if you can help.

You can sponsor Emma in the Cancer Research UK Race for Life here
There is also a Pinterest Shoulder to Shoulder to day board – so that we can add funny things, positive things, or anything we feel that Emma may like.

Shoulder to Shoulder to Day

When I was 20 my Mom died.

She had breast cancer and she had to have her whole breast removed (mastectomy). She just happened to feel it in the shower one day.
I was 17 when she discovered it.
And when I was giving birth to my first born my mother couldn’t be there for me. She was too ill from chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Then I got a cold whilst in hospital, so I couldn’t go home as it would put her at risk.
Mom was a fighter. All through her illness she just kept on giving. She was such a wonderful, kind woman and will always be remembered as an amazing woman.
But then she worried she had cervical cancer, she kept on bleeding.
It turned out to be a polyp which she had removed.
The operation went wrong and they perforated her bowel – a routine, minor operation.

To cut a long story short she had cancer on her liver, and was so very ill that I decided it best to turn off her life support machine.

Immediately after this I received a call from my nurse.

Luckily I had had a smear because I had had a baby – I had abnormal cells.
I ignored it.
I moved away.

Three years passed.

I finally went back to have someone look at my cells.

I was so dam lucky, they were able to treat it!

Then I started to bleed down below.
There was talk of it being a Polyp.
I was terrified.

Removing a polyp in my mind is the reason my mother had died.
But what if it was cancer.
I had 2 small children – I couldn’t leave it.

The hospital were really good and knocked me out (I also have a needle phobia) with a mask and let me go in first.

It was all fine.

My friend wasn’t so lucky. She ignored the lumps on her arms – by the time she went to the doctors it was too late!

So PLEASE make sure you get any lumps checked out.

On a more cheery note.
I read about Emma’s 30 at 30 list over on

The first 2 are:

1) Watch a famous ballet
2) Go to an opera

So I contacted the very lovely Beckie over at
The Roses Theatre and she has very kindly sent Emma
TWO FREE TICKETS TO ALBERT HERRING – For Saturday 28th September

THANK YOU so much


Tomorrow it is being hosted at: Over 40 and Mum to One and Whiskey For Aftershave

There is also a few surprises for Emma ‘ if you would like to find out more and make a contribution then please email: vickywelton@hotmail.com and put in the subject ‘Emma’s Collection’.
On twitter please use the hashtag  #S2S2D and let’s get it trending and help raise more awareness.
This is NOT a sponsored post. 

12 thoughts on “#S2S2D Emma goes to the Ballet & Opera”

  1. What a truly wonderful post – it can’t have been very easy to write but it’s so beautifully written. I’m so chuffed you’ve managed to secure tickets for Emma, fantastic news. Well done you, she’ll be thrilled. Two more things to cross off that list. Thank you for mentioning me too x

  2. It can’t have been easy to write this post. Thank you so much for telling us how much cancer has affected your life. I’m so sorry you lost your Mum so young – she sounded like a true fighter. I’m so pleased all was ok with you :). Amazing what you have done to get Emma those tickets – I’m certain she’ll be thrilled :). Thank you for hosting today x

  3. A wonderful thing to have done. Well done you and the Theatre company. Thanks for sharing your personal story, such a hard thing to do but it has made me think – thank you!

  4. Oh my goodness, so sorry to read about your mum and your friend. Really brings it home how important it is to get those lumps checked out.
    On a more positive note, what a fantastic thing for Emma to get tickets for the ballet and opera. Good old Roses theatre! x

  5. Well done you for writing so much in your post re raising awareness & not leaving it too late, and, that’s brilliant regards the wonderful tickets you’ve managed to source for Emma. Marvellous!

  6. I am sorry about your Mum. Mine died when I was 18, of complications from her cancer treatment. Sending hugs from one motherless mother, to another.
    On a more cheery note, what a brilliant thing, those tickets for Emma. I am sure she will be chuffed with them! Well done! 🙂

  7. What a fantastic post – to support Emma and to raise awareness. I am so sorry to hear about your mum and your friend xx And, great job on the tickets, that is just wonderful 🙂

  8. I am so sorry to hear about your Mum. Fantastic post and am sure will encourage others not to leave things too late. Great news about the tickets too. Emma must be delighted!

  9. Oh my word, you have had it tough. I’m almost speechless (quite a feat for me). And how brave of you to write this post. My family has known its share of tragedy, but not from cancer. But then you go and tell us you got TWO lots of tickets. Oh my word, consider yourself amazing.

  10. So sorry to hear about your mum and friend. Powerful stuff, and a brave post. Hoping for the best and am sure Emma will enjoy thr ballet and opera, and the Nutcracker is such a positive and joyful production!

  11. I can remember commenting on this post, but it seems that many of my comments over the #S2S2D period didn’t go through (on lots of peoples blogs).

    So on revisiting, I just wanted to say again, Thankyou so much for sharing your heartbreaking story. You are helping to raise awareness and may help someone get an earlier diagnosis.

    Thankyou also, for the tickets, I must go soon!


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