School Lunch Boxes: Walkers Mighty Lights Review


Thinking about school is a common thing at the moment, whether it’s going back or starting school. One thing that all parents of school aged children have to think about is what’s for lunch? Whilst parents still have the freedom to save some money, and send their children with a packed lunch, then they have to think about what to put in it. I think that sending your child in with a packed lunch gives you some reassurance and control. You know what they do and don’t like, and you can see whether they haven’t touched a thing and just come home with it all, or not.

This is especially important if your child has a Sensory Processing Disorder – so is fussy about the smell and texture of their food – as well as the taste. You can try different breads, with their varying tastes and textures, or make your own. Or why not try bread rolls, a bagel, a baguette, make your own scones, hot cross buns, rice cakes, naan bread, a bagel, a tortilla wrap, crepes, pancakes, potato cakes, cheese pastries, pies, sausage rolls or malt loaf.

Walkers Mighty Lights Review @pinkoddy

There’s lots of policing of lunch boxes with a ban of chocolate and fizzy drinks. My children do like fruit, salad, veg and other healthy snacks, but they still need more starchy foods to fill them up and the carbohydrates to keep them going through the day. That is why I am glad that the packet of crisps hasn’t been banned – and no-one makes crisps quiet like Walkers.

So when I received some Walkers Mighty Lights to try I was delighted (they are my guilty pleasure): Comparing my favourite flavour of Roast Chicken, with claims that they are “Mighty in flavour. Lower in fat.” In fact the fat in the regular packet is 7.6g but the new Walkers Mighty Lights contain only 4.7g.  Not only that but there’s less salt (regular 0.32g, Mighty Lights 0.28g). A good source of fibre (there’s an extra 0.1g in the Mighty Lights too), made from real potatoes with no artificial colours of preservatives.

Walkers Mighty Lights - 30% less fat same great taste, Review @pinkoddy

I am not the kind of person to eat what I’d deem “diet” food (low in fat) – so was really pleasantly surprised that the crisps seriously did not compromise on flavour at all Not a fan of chicken? They also come in popular Cheese and Onion and Lightly Salted. Personally I find the latter the best flavour for crisp butties. Chicken was still my favourite of the 3. I think the design of the bag is much more modern and looks fuller (they are the same weight) – and much more appealing. Myself, I don’t need any encouragement and are a great energy booster when my levels are flagging.

I shared them with my children – who said that they had the same great taste, but were better for them. I had to keep fighting them off as they want more and more. And, yes, my lad who is very particular about his food loved them too!


All the flavours are suitable for vegetarians, and are available in shops nationwide.

I receive 3 multiple packs of Walkers Mighty Lights in all 3 flavours in order to review them. All opinions are my own and completely honest.

10 thoughts on “School Lunch Boxes: Walkers Mighty Lights Review”

  1. I do love them – thankfully I am not fussy about the flavours whereas Ross and Grace are! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x

  2. ooo these sound good. I have to make the same pack up my son every day because of his sensory/autistic ‘quirks’ (our dr word for him) our school hasn’t banned anything either.



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