One of the reasons we have children is so secretly we do not have to grow up – surely? How else would you have the excuse to muck about and play with toys? I think that is why it is such genius that these retro toys and films are really popular right now – you know Batman, Spiderman, Transformers and not forgetting Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – TMNT!
I guess one of the things I remember most about the Turtles is that when they came over to us here in the UK censorship meant that they had to lose the “Ninja” – and became the “Hero” Turtles – as Ninja was far too violent for us. I don’t need to worry about what messages the cartoons send out to my children because I have watched them (repeatedly) in my younger years.
The thing I love most about those Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is that I already know all about them! In case you do not, or you have forgotten here is a little reminder. There’s a Japanese mutant rat called Splinter. He is the Turtles’ sensei and adoptive-father. He learned the ways of ninjutsu from his owner and master. All the Turtles were named after famous Italians, Leonardo (blue) after da Vinci (an Italian polymath painter, engineer, inventor, writer anatomist and sculpture). Leo is the oldest of the Turtles and is courageous, devoted and a leader. He has two ninjakens which cut through almost anything. Raphael (red) after the Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance is strong, aggressive, fierce and loyal. He has a pair of sais and is often the first one to throw the punches. Donatello (purple) after the artist and sculptor is a pacifist, scientist, inventor, engineer, and technological genius. He is the most gentle of the Turtles and has a bo staff. MichelAngelo orange) after Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer, is the youngest of the Turtles. Fun loving, pizza eating and often the comic relief, he has a pair of nunchakus. Not forgetting other important characters, enemies Shredder, Krang and Karai; plus the media reporter and human friend to the Turtles April O’Neil.
I was really excited to review the Leonardo Ninja Combat Gear by Flair. Now, as you would expect, this outfit is the right size to transform your child into their favourite Turtle (in this case Leonardo) BUT the fantastic news is it even fits adults!!! (shhh don’t tell the kids this is what I get up to when they are at school!).
Now I can be a Hero in a half shell (Turtle Power!) No all in seriousness this means that adults and children can join in and play together – role play is so important for imaginations and development. This is especially good for my youngest son who has special needs so I am even more thrilled with this product. I do think the boys would have liked it to come with a shell though.
As well as the signature Turtle bandana, the Leonardo Ninja Combat Gear kit includes his favourite weapons of 2 throwing stars (with pictures of Leonardo on) and a sword. There is also available a Leonardo’s electronic stealth sword, which has lights and sounds. Also available are the Ninja Combat Gear Kits for Raphael (red), MichelAngelo (orange) and Donatello (purple).
That is not all! If you need a bit of inspiration as to what to say as your Turtle then why not have a play with one of these Power Sound FX Turtles by Flair. Each of the 5.5″ figures has a patented wire coil activation system in the arms and legs, which means that you can simply control the effects by how you hold them. They say things like “Hiiiiyaaaa!!” “Kee ya” “This is Epic” “We’re Ninja Turtles” – with each figure having different sound effects and battle boosts. I liked the way you can put them in different action poses, and how the arms and legs sort of flick, to give that fighting feel. Available in all 4 Turtles and Shredder. This product is suitable from ages 4 and up (well up I loved it).
Again we received Leonardo to review and I loved how his ninjakens could fit on his back (the holder can come off his back too) or fitted into his ‘hands.’
I thoroughly recommend these products and this is even before my children have had a chance to get their hands on them! They were opened with minimal fuss and waste for landfill. Batteries were not required which is always a bonus as they can be played with straightaway. Although hopefully they will run out as they can be a tad annoying when the sound effect is held for a long time!
We received a Leonardo Ninja Combat Gear and Power Sound FX Turtles by Flair in order to review them. All words and opinions are my own. I take no responsibility for the lack of housework undertaken whilst mothers play with these toys.
I used to love the Turtles when I was little, and my kids love them now – these toys would definitely be a hit in our house! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested
OOh are they back? I remember my brother loving them when he was young! I love the pic of you in the mask!!
We’re huge TMNT fans! Bean has got a very extensive collection of the toy range and I’m really impressed by all of them. We too have the Leo dress up set… And yes… I have been known to wear it on occasion… *cough* Great review missus, really like how detailed you are about it all
Great toys, my boys just aren’t in to TMNT
Fab toys….Seeing things like this really make me wish I had boys….lol I really need to get my youngest into TMNT…hehehe x
Leonardo was always my favourite turtle, hope Annie is into TMNT when she’s a bit older!!
Now I am imagining you bouncing around the house, high kicking over all the place with a turtle mask on!TMNT = iconic as far as I’m concerned!
I love that the mask fits adults too! great pics :p x
I used to make (and sell) models made from FIMO and for a while had a strong line in TMHT badges!
Ben would LOVE this! He’s all super heros and turtles at the moment! I can’t cope with my little boy growing up and not just loving Postman Pat anymore haha.
Thanks for linking up this week
I’m so tempted to get these for my hubby, he still has his childhood turtles in the loft
Used to love TNMT brings back great memories. Looks great.
Wow, you really got into the spirit of that review – good luck to your kids wrestling that stuff off you!
Ooooh my kids would love the combat gear
My son loves these toys!
They look loads of fun! I well remember these from my childhood as my brother loved them!
Oh dear! I am not a huge fan of the Ninja Turtles. But looks like I won’t have a choice in a few years’ time
With our surname, I know my son would like those!
Great review my son had turtles and liked them, we still have the toys now .
Haha, I love your mask
Very authentic!
A bit terrified by the weapons, but I love the mask. I loved TMNT as a child, I remember watching the cartoon with my brother.
We received some of these to review too, my son’s not too sure about them so far!
My oldest would love this, they look brilliant! I can just imagine him leaping all over this, he’s already into the idea of karate so this would be perfect for him!
Oh wow, I remember these from years ago. I had no idea they were still around! what fun.
Wow, they look like lots of fun. Think I’ll be pushing them on to my kids so that I can have a play.
I used to love the Teenage Mutant NINJA Turtles as a kid. I love that they’ve gone back to samurai swords etc. I love your mask! I think you’ve been having far to much fun when the children are at school
oh the turtles. such good memories!
We have this to review too. Isaac and Kian both love TMNT but I have had to confiscate the sword already after Isaac clouted Eliza with it lol
I love how all the old cartoons and films are coming back round again x
Housework Joy? We have a couple of swords, a motor bike turtle and a talking turtle.I’m holding a bit longer to get the pizza hideout for my 3.
I have never understood them, when I was younger I much preferred another program with heroes in it but the toys look good
For some reason I was a mega TMNT fan as a child! They still look great today! -)
I am so so loving this mask!! you looks super in it
i have to say my nephew would love it! xx
They do look like a lot of fun… especially the stars
my goodness – my son would love that stuff – he is so into turtles at the moment! #triedtested
They look fun! My kids would love them I think.
Great review! I spent a lot of time as a kid playing with these toys. Great to see they are coming back. I am getting my boys into them now.