Oscar-nominated entertainment company, Magic Light Pictures, with Stormcloud Games, have launched The Gruffalo Games app based on the much-loved picture book, The Gruffalo, written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. Coinciding with The Gruffalo’s 15th anniversary celebrations children get to pit their wits against The Gruffalo in his first ever iOS mobile app. The Gruffalo is one of the world’s most loved children’s characters, and is venturing out of his cave and onto our screens. He is quick-thinking and has super smart moves in a series of simple but classic games, helping complement the key skills children will soon be learning at pre and primary school. The games include snap, three-in-a-row, matching and jigsaws – but each with a monstrous twist! Featuring The Gruffalo and other popular characters from the book, including Mouse, Owl, Fox and Snake.
The Gruffalo Games App Review
The Gruffalo app I would say is suitable for its target audience, preschool and infant children (ages 3-7). There are a variety of games and some are more suited to the older user. There is no advertising or in app purchasing, but the Room on the Broom app does feature on the home screen. There is also a link for parents which requires an “adult” to work out a sum before it can be seen. It takes you to a screen which gives you the option to download other games and buy other related merchandise (a password is required). There is pretty background music (from the films) which really has a feel of being in the forest about it. On the home screen you can poke both The Gruffalo and The Mouse and they blink.
The Gruffalo: Games iOS app is available to download priced 2.99.
3 in a row
This game of tic tac toe is against the Gruffalo himself – who scratches a grid (with his terrible claws) onto the ground. Do not mistake this as just a child’s app – the Gruffalo likes to win! Although he does make the odd mistake. You simply slide your “Mouse” counter on to the grid where you want to go. You see the Gruffalo’s hand and claws as he moves his pieces to the board. The idea is (for anyone who does not know) to get 3 in of your mouse counters in a row, whilst stopping the Gruffalo getting 3 in a row. The overall winner is the person to be the first to win 5 matches.
Nut Catch
This is a fairly simple game of getting the mouse to catch as many nuts as possible, but whilst avoiding the other things falling from the sky. Good for hand-eye co-ordination. The more you play the faster it gets, and more things fall. There’s a squirrel with a golden nut and if you catch him then a load of golden nuts fall from the sky (no extra points for it though).
The jigsaws are progressive – in that you must complete the easier ones before you can move on. Of course the last jigsaw is of the Gruffalo. There is a timer and your best time is recorded and displayed next to the puzzle. If you get stuck there’s a help button – which moves the pieces to where they are meant to go, and then back to where you had them. You can press this button as many times as you like, but time does not stand still when this happens. The jigsaws are beautifully illustrated and there’s guides (like white edging) to help put the pieces in the right places. When you complete the puzzle lots of woodland flowers and leaves, etc float down the screen.
This is again another very competitive game. I played this and The Gruffalo can be really fast – and that’s with my hand over the cards ready all the time. There’s 3 cards for you to pick from, but they are all turned over. The overall winner is the best of 5 – and it makes no difference how many cards have been dealt before the “snap.”
Marching Bugs
I think this is the most challenge of the games. Bugs go marching across the screen whilst holding a leaf with something on, then one of the bugs will not be holding anything and you have to drag the corresponding leaf down to that bug. This may be a shape, a number, a letter, or an animal. This changes in difficulty – as it could be all blue circles, or there could be a more complicated pattern. It could be the bug at the end of the line, or the one at the beginning.
Match Me
A good game of pairing (but you can see all the pairs). Simply find the ones that go together. This can be the ones that are the same (two Gruffalo jaws), or ones that fit together (like a Gruffalo top and bottom).
I think this is a fantastic app – and I am not a big fan of apps as a general rule. It does not replace the book but does compliment it. It is just right for the target audience, of helping them develop their brains – quick thinking, logic, problem-solving and hand-eye co-ordination. I would certainly recommend it for your Gruffalo fan.
In fact I love it so much that I have agreed to run a giveaway for my readers! Note the App is designed for iPhone, iPod and iPad ONLY.
The Prize: A 15th anniversary edition of The Gruffalo book, DVD, plush toy and the app – worth £25.00.
Why do you think reading is important?
Enter the Rafflecopter. UK only. Ends midnight 30th September 2014.
Win competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com
I received a Free app in order to review it. The prize is being sent to me to give to the winner at my expense. All words and opinions are my own.
Hi I couldn’t see a question but thank you for the review and giveaway! My two little girls adore the Gruffalo and have the books and a large cuddly Gruffalo toy of their own. I too am not a huge fan of apps, but the one you have reviewed looks really impressive! I think my girls would love the jigsaw and snap!
Reading is important as it expands children’s minds and encourages imagination. It’s also a great bonding exercise between parent and child.
Helps express imagination,minds and development
I think reading is important because it not only develops children’s vocabulary, imagination and knowledge but it is a great source of enjoyment too!
Reading is sooo important! It teaches vocabulary, stimulates the imagination, allows children to understand the point of view of others and gives them a means of escapism.
It opens up a whole new world for imagination. TV gives you the images but when you read you have to conjur the images for yourself and bring the words to life in your head. For example, how many people who have read 50 shades of Grey were disappointed when the actors were cast, saying they don’t look like that in my head. It’s because nothing ever lives up to what your imagination can create
I love reading. If you’re good at reading, you tend to have a wider vocabulary and be able to spell easier as you can picture the words in your head. I’ve been reading with my children since birth and they were both talking really well very early on.
I can’t see a question but this is a fab giveaway bundle that my children would adore! thanks.
I think reading is important to develop imagination and also to educate/inform/prepare children for facing life’s challenges.
I think reading is very important and should start before a child can read,
Its important so you can learn and understand about the world around you. I you cant read you are limited in your knowledge and in your ability to interact and hold a job in society.
I think reading is really important for the development of language and communication skills, for broadening your horizons, gaining knowledge and for enjoyment.
reading is important to gain more imagination and creative play, also helps with writing and spelling x
Inspiring review. Looking forward in using the app soon.
For enlightenment, broadening of the mind, stimulation of senses and cultural enrichment
I I think reading is important as it underpins everything else you can learn and achieve. It improves your spelling, vocabulary and expands your mind and imagination
Reading books is important at a very young age as they learn words, hear fun and imaginative stories, improves communication and have a great bond
reading is important for self development, it opens a world of imaganite fun up for young children
It gives you a chance to escape for a while and in some cases experience another life,place,time or world even
reading is very important to improve the mind and help childrens minds to grow and adults
reading encourages imagination and discovering new things
Reading is important because it’s a fun way for children to learn and develop their vocabulary.
It encourages children to learn and use their imagination
Reading is important as it enables imagination, language skills, social & emotional skills. You can talk about different aspects of the book such as why the ‘rabbit is sad’ for example and explain reasons why that character is feeling that emotion such as when your child did when ‘they fell over in the park’ – children are able to make that emotional connection which is lovely to see

Story books can open all sorts of conversations and skills that your child can grasp – reading to or with your children is a very lovely and rewarding experience I think
reading is important as it encourages your childs imagination and is a fun way to be creative
Its a great way to escape and it helps create imagination – its a great way for kids (and adults) to learn too. Its also lots of fun!
Reading helps to develope the imagination and is a great educational way for children to learn. This carries through into adult hood.
Snuggling up and reading a story creates a strong bond with your child. It also helps improve their speech and vocabulary and its a great way to learn and spark their imagination.
Reading is essential to every child’s development! It helps develop their imagination and creativity. Reading to your children from a young age will improve your emotional bond and improve your child’s speech as well as his/hers reading and writing ability in the future.
Oh reading is so important. It improves children’s literacy levels and keeps adult levels topped up. It takes us to other worlds and experiences, and for children, who spend so much time on noisy activities and toys. it’s a great, quiet time balance.
Reading is vital to children of all ages, the younger the better to get them engaged. Reading is so very important for vocabulary and literacy. Aside from the educational benefits reading for pleasure is a very enjoyable activity that lasts a lifetime.
Reading is vital as it’s a part of our every day world.
Reading is so wonderful you can go on so many adventures, explore so many worlds, meet new people and learn new things, all whilst sitting in a chair
fab prize
Reading is critical to sharpen imagination and let the mind wander into territories unknown
Reading is important to practice so that they can read anything, anywhere.
I try to teach my children to love reading through “reading for fun” so far so good, they both love it and we read books everynight. Its SO good for childrens imagination, learning to read and can lead to more from there.
Great review and something I will def be downloading!
I think reading is important for a number of reasons: It helps broaden your imagination and vocabulary, it helps you bond even closer to your children and it can be used as a lovely part of your bedtime routine
It’s very important for children to learn to read as it stimulates their imagination and expands their vocabulary. I think children who are exposed to books at an early age and are encouraged to read will be far more likely to enjoy reading when they are adults.
I think it’s important so your child can learn to read and enjoy it and it allows their imagination to grow its also a great way to spend time together snuggled on the sofa or at bedtime
Reading is important as it is one of the things you learn in school that you will need to know to for the rest of your life. It also helps boost vocabulary and literacy skills, which are equally important.
Readng is important as it impacts on every aspect of a childs life, it teaches them about situations they maybe unfamiliaar with, it allows them to express themselves and to learn new words, it broadens their imagination and give them new situations to experience, it teaches them to speak fluently and properly (with breaks in appropriate places) it teaches them how to write properly and how to use words appropriately
without being able to read a childs world is enclosed and lonely. books provide life long friends in worlds we can only imagine.
i loved reading as a child and my 2 year old does too.
Reading promotes imagination and independent thinking it reveals new worlds.
Reading to children at a young age is very important as it encourages them to read, develop and respect books.
encourages children to believe in a world if imagination
Because it opens up a whole new world for them to enjoy!
Reading is so important as I think it really helps to stimulate your childs imagination as when you read you have to generate images in your head to picture what you are reading
I feel so passionately about reading to my daughter Millie. She will be three in January and has a love of books that none of her friends have. We go to the library every week too.
Her imagination is out of this world and her speech came on very very quickly, she was speaking in sentences before others were saying their first word and I put that all down to the wonder of books. Fabulous things.
reading is the most important thing a child can learn. once they can read they can do anything from discovering history to following instructions to build something, following a recipe to make there own food or reading a menu to order it. the world becomes a very exciting place full of oppertunities.
Reading is important because it helps children learn and without being able to read you can’t get anywhere in life.
I think reading is important as a key communication skill. It enables us to engage with both the world around us and those wondrous other worlds that are found in books.
i think reading is important at a early age .i read to my children from tiny babies.i still have all myeldest daughters books and now shes 19 and her fave book was the baby who wouldnt go to bed which has passed down to her 2 other brothers and little sister.they know by the book cover which one it is and immediatly start to say the story word for word.my youngest son and daughter love the gruffalo ,they love it more than the gruffalos child .i feel books and reading settle children and at a good time of the day either settling for bed or a quiet read before school on the morning xx
Reading helps their kids to develop into creative and informed adults
Learning to read is very important because it will help you so much in life. It will help you with your learning first and foremost, which will then lead onto further education and then hopefully a great job. It also helps with your imagination, takes you away from the stresses of your day and can teach you things you never knew. My son loves stories and I hope his love of books continues
Reading is important its one of the things needed for everyday life
It improves spelling, grammar and punctuation. It also increases your vocabulary and expands your imagination
I have read to both of my children from when they were babies, they both have a love of books now, it is so good for them in so many ways, from learning to communicating
Reading opens the door to countless new worlds, let’s the imagination develop and brings so much joy, I couldn’t have imagined my childhood without books, I was constantly reading from the moment I could and have carried on ever since and I’m hoping my 3 little ones will relish the joys of books when they’re a bit older x
I think reading is important because it stimulates the brain, and brings happiness and new experiences and worlds.
not only good for learning but for the imagination too
Reading is important because it’s something you do everydayxx
i think reading is important at any age but if children learn to love and enjoy books at a young age its a habit for want of a better word that stays with them for life
It opens up a child’s imaginations. With modern technology so much is given to children on a plate that it is important for them to be able to visualise their own worlds!
I think reading is important as it helps to unlock a child’s imagination. Luckily my daughter has inherited my love of books
I think reading is important as its a skill which educates,entertains,enlightens and gets you through life.xx
Reading is important as it’s the key to everything educational. It also helps a child’s imagination
Reading encourages a thirst for knowledge, and understanding of words, a broader vocabulary and the confidence of literacy
Reading is important because…. its a skill for life that grows with age.
Reading is very important, it opens up a new world of adventure and fun as well as helping with English. My great-niece enjoys “looking” at books now (she’s too young to read them) but she’s getting there as well (knows a few words but not many. Can escape “real life” in a book too.
I think reading is important as you can learn so much and get so much pleasure from it.
You can travel to a different world at any time
It allows you to escape into a different world and helps your vocabulary!
Reading is super important as it opens up a whole new world. Apart from helping with writing it encourages a world of imagination and escapism.
Reading is very important, great for exploring their little imaginations.
reading is important as it opens up a whole new world of possibilities and lets your imagination run free, so important to read to your little ones from very early to help them enjoy books
Reading is good for a childs imagination and such be fun.
Reading gives children the chance to imagine and visualise a million different worlds. It helps with their spelling, their creativity and also helps them to empathise by putting themselves into the minds of other characters.
reading is so important as it opens up a whole new world my grandson loves factual books about space and my granddaughter reads harry potter and all roadl dahl even though she is only 7
my youngest granddaughter is nearly 3 so she has some catching up to do.
I think reading is so important,not just because it opens up a whole new world but for safety reasons too,it must be awful not to have a clue what anything says,especially signs etc.
I love reading with my little ones – it is brilliant for expanding the imagination, increasing vocabulary and learning about different situations which may not happen on a regular basis.
It’s so important because it develops the mind and imagination, with reading anything can be possible
Reading opens up so many doors! It is the foundation of learning
Develops imagination and understanding. Read a lot of nature books to my kids now they know more than me. Read with grandchildren now. Its also fun
Reading can open up so many wonderful stories and tales of wonder & excitment. A vital tool for learning about the world around us and develops young minds into great minds
Reading is so important, it sparks imagination and creativity.
Reading is great for developing vocabulary and is a great use of the imagination. It’s very important to me.
I feel that reading helps feed my children’s imagination and improve their vocabulary it also helps to relax kids
In general terms reading is vital for everyday life and very important. reading is very important for imagination and vocabulary, even from a very young age. Reading is the foundation of any child’s life.
Reading is brilliant, it’s fabulous for young imaginations and so important for their future
Reading is the foundation from which children will gain knowledge. It will broaden their minds, fire up their imaginations and help them in every situation.
I think that reading is important as it provides the building blocks to writing skills, concentration and a vital tool when learning.
Reading is so important because not only is it a fundamental life skill that will stay with your child throughout his/her life, it also introduces your child to new ideas and ways of thinking about the world that expand their imagination and enhance their creativity.
wow. reading is so important for so many reasons. its lets imaginations fly away. you learn things you may never have known otherwise. its a great modern way of communicating. its broadens your vocabulary. the lists are endless. we love reading in our house (couldnt possibly have used 10 words or less lol)
Reading is a precious gift that is priceless… all it does it take time. Once I immerse myself in a book, I can be lost for hours. Love the fact L is starting to read now and am enjoying following her on her journey.
reading is important for many reason, like imagination, word recognition, knowledge
reading opens up both the world of both fact and fiction
Reading is absolutely critical for children, it encourages imagination and thoughts while helping extend their vocabulary. I was a reader from very young and you’ll still never find me without a book!
Reading is important for so many reasons. It provides an escape from the real world, expands your vocabulary, teaches you things you otherwise would never have known, improves your imagination. The list is a long one I think.
Reading is important because it is a true life skill you have forever! (answered in just 9 words!!) Thank you for running a fab competition!
Reading is important as it helps your children develop their imagination. Reading together is also a lovely way to spend time with your children.
A love of reading starts at a very young age and if nurtured stays with us always
Reading is important for imagination. And you might end up being read to by Mr Walliams if you’re lucky.
It really expands a childs imagination! No point in not having an imagination as a child xx
Reading is very important, it opens up new worlds, feeds the imagination,
Reading is so important for children to learn about life, have fun and develop their imagination for their future
Reading opens up a whole new world and develops their imagination.
reading with my child is important for bonding, also it opens up their vocabulary & imaginations!
Reading is important as it means that you can enter a different world every book ;0
Reading widens children’s horizons, sparks their imagination and encourages them to develop their own skills – social, verbal and written. Developing a passion for reading at a young age stays with a person throughout life.
I think in encourages their imagination!
Reading is important from the start of a childs life; hearing a story read to them, helps develop their language skills and imagination, it is also a bonding time for child and reader. It allows a special time between child and parent / carer, which is just there own.
as child gets older encouragemnet for them to read is important, it is a skill that grows throughout life, it opens up worlds and scenarios, and broadens your childs mind. Reading is very important.
Reading is so important it should be taught young. We’re using simple quiz cards to help include reading with fun.
reading and writing are very important life skills which help develop social and academic skills as well as imagination
reading is important and I think to pass on a love of reading is the greatest gift you can give to future generations
I think reading is important as it is the basis for everything you learn. It also helps with communication, and a love of reading is something you can take right through your life.
Reading allows a person to enter a world from another persons imagination, it can quite literally take you anywhere. It can be amazing and mind boggling. Such an important thing to learn that will help you in every area of your life.
Reading is important for so many reasons. When they are young, it can give them confidence to keep trying,. It can be a great bond between mom or dad and child, it can also be a wonderful bond with older siblings. As they grow it widens vocabulary and horizons, encourages exploration of ideas and thoughts, different points of view, gives them a fantastic source of self-entertainment (you may never be lonely if you have a good book) and oh so much more
I think reading is very important to a child’s development
Reading is great in helping you and your child to bond, it increases their imagination and really gives them a step up in the world!
I think reading is important to develop imagination
I think reading is important because it opens up the imagination, develops your sense of adventure, shows the world and it’s problems and challenges from different perspectives and it creates a thirst for knowledge. By the time I was 15 I had traveled the world, slain dragons, explored space and sailed the seven seas. With a good book there is no limit to where your mind and imagination can take you.
Its a great way of spending time together and learning and developing a childs imagination. Its definitely a fun way of teaching your children all different things
Reasding is extremly important to improve a childs imagination and vocabulary. I life without books would be very boring. My Husband has read every night to my twin boys since they were just 4 mths old, he is at work every day so misses a lot but this has given him the opportunity to bond.
Reading is important because its also a way for children expressing their imaginations
Reading is so important as it allows children to be able to learn for themselves and gain a greater understanding of the world around them. I read that the greatest cause of disruption in classes is children playing up to mask that fact that they are unable to read the written instructions given- If the only gift I give my children is the ability to read then I will consider it a job well done
Reading is important as it helps develop language and communication skills, which personally I think is seriously lacking in today’s society.
Reading stimulates the imagination and develops language skills.
Reading from a young age and carrying it on through childhood and adulthood is important because it helps to develop communication, it encourages imagination, it takes you to places that you would never go without a book. Reading also helps you to relax and unwind at the end of a long day. Reading is important in adulthood as without reading it is harder to get to the places you want to go in life
I think reading is important because it stimulates children’s imaginations and improves their vocab, speaking and listening skills. It teaches them about things they wouldn’t otherwise come into contact with and helps them prepare for new and difficult situations.
Apart from speaking reading is the most important skill a child can learn. It enables them to day dream and be alone or to take part in groups and interact.
because it is a neccesity in life and your oppertunaty for work
Reading is a hobby that grows a child’s imagination and introduces them to new ideas, concepts and items – as well as being fun!
Its such an important skill but can allows children to explore the great world of words
i think reading is important because it develops creative skills and imagination
I think reading is important to help develop a childs imagination.
I think reading is so important because it helps us to understand others and the world around us
Reading is important for your childs development and social skills.
It opens up the mind to endless posibilities. It enhances the imagination& improves vocabulary. Reading is the window to another world where you never know what is going to happen next.
it gives a child independence and the basis of one of the most important key skills in life!
It is the basis for so much learning but also a great pleasure.
because it feeds your imagination and because if your able to read then you can learn about everything
Reading is so important. It allows a child to develop an imagination and prepare their mind for all the exciting adventures that lie ahead through the worlds of books!
Reading is important as it has a great impact on childrens imagination. it helps them create new fantasies when they play
it helps literacy, concentration, and creativity and bonding between families
Because it learns you spelling, new words, gives you a real feel for the language and most importantly nurtures your imagination
Reading is very important, it helps children understand different concepts and opens their imaginations
Reading is important for learning but also gives the child help with imagination
Reading is important as it helps expand a child vocabulary and opens the world of imagination.
I love reading to my grandchildren, its something we always do at bedtime, its a lovely way to wind down
Reading is important as it unlocks a child’s imagination and enables them to create their own worlds!
reading is so important as it helps children use their imagination and learn valuable skills, and spend quality time with their parents etc
Because if you can’t read you can’t access lots of other information. It used to scare me how kids came to secondary school barely able to read
Can’t see a question. But looking at the other answers I assume it is the importance of reading. It opens the door to new worlds for the child to step through. And it is great fun
Absolutely Perfect for my Grand daughter Edie, who is 2 and calls her Grandad ‘Grufflo’!!
Reading is incredibly important -its helps build the foundations for learning!
Reading is important as it helps expand childrens vocablary and work towards a great career
Reading is important to me for bonding with my daughter
Reading is important to develop language and imagination. It is the foundation of everything in life.
I think readings important as it allows the child to learn how to listening, how to speak and how to read themselves, as well as patent child interaction
I think reading is important because it not only develops children’s vocabulary . and a few well written words can take a child or adult any were in there imagination
Reading is very important to start at a young age as it helps develop there imagination and also more importantly develops the speech and language skill. Xx
because children love to use their imagination and can learn so much!
Reading is so important for knowledge and enjoyment. It is where you can imagine things the way you think it should be. Stimulating and educating.
reading is important for learning and education
Reading is important because it helps your imagination.
Reading with your child is important and lets imagination grow
I think it is important to read and get children enjoying it as it helps in all areas of life.
Reading brings the whole world into your life.
I cant see the question but I think reading is very important and can bring such joy
Reading is important as it can take you places and times you could not otherwise visit.
Reading is important because it is a great source of knowledge and a fab pastime
Reading is important as it’s the foundation of everything, it encourages free thought and imagination, but to navigate every day life you need to be able to read, my Grandma never learned to read or write and it was her biggest regret, she alway encouraged me to read to her even if she didn’t know wether I was doing it right or not x
Reading is important because it helps to build the imagination. It is also a great way to bond with your child
i think reading is a brilliant way to stoke a childs imagination, it helps to develop language skills and is a great wind down at bed time x
Reading is very important in life and it’s important to start them early.
Reading is sooooo important, it helps develop language, sociability, imagination, confidence and numerous other things
Reading is essential in so many ways. Children learn language skills, writing skills whilst using problem solving to develop their understanding of sounds am how they connect together. Reading books also tells children important messages of sharing and compassion. Not to mention how fun it is and the bonding a parent can have with a child over a good book. I love reading I think it is great.
Reading is essential in so many ways. Children learn language skills, writing skills whilst using problem solving to develop their understanding of sounds and how they connect together. Reading books also tells children important messages of sharing and compassion. Not to mention how fun it is and the bonding a parent can have with a child over a good book. I love reading I think it is great.
Reading is the gateway to so many different things – enter new worlds and learn so much. It is one of the simplest pleasures in life. The best way to relax and leave behind the stresses of everyday life.
It opens up a great new world for them and they love reading!
Reading is the foundation of all learning and encourages independent inquiry thinking and problem solving skills my twins are only 22 month old but they love their books
Reading helps you understand the world around you, and create another one in your imagination.
Reading is so important as it opens up the whole world – everywhere there are words to read!
Reading is fun as well as educational – that’s why I fought to keep our library
Reading is important as it is a calming activity that transports you away for a while, you can forget your worries and unwind whilst reading stories.
Learning to read is an important skill because it stays with you for a lifetime.
reading expands their minds and encourages development of young minds
Reading fires up & develops the imagination – without imagination where would we be?
Reading is the basic necessity in everything we do and to learn to read as young as possible, ensures we understand and effectively communicate through life
Reading is very important for developing a wide vocabulary and stimulating the imagination.
12 nieces and nephews many happy and continuing memories reading bedtime stories of the Gruffalo!
it opens your mind up to a wonderful word of imagination. Julia Donaldson is a fantastic writer – The Gruffalo is a favourite of all my grandchildren and I have just bought her Songbirds Phonics to help the younger ones with their reading – they are fantastic
Reading improves a child’s vocabulary and leads to more highly-developed language skills.
because it feeds their imagination and helps some dreams become reality the skys the limit tho good books
Reading teaches children about the world beyond their own.
Reading is important as it promotes all aspects of a children’s development and enables the child to spend quality time with their parent or loved one. Reading enables children to use their imagination and develop new vocabulary, as well as learn how to correctly handle books.
It is lovely to see their imaginations run wild when reading. It is so important for their future development too
Fabulous stories love Julia DOnaldson
I think reading is important to develop imagination and also to educate and prepare children for facing life’s challenges. Its also a really enjoyable family activity.xx
Reading gives an insight into the world
As I think it’s great to see a child’s face light up and their minds go exploring when they take in the words on the page!
To expand knowledge and to let children(and Adults) use their imaginations. Its lovely to watch children light up as stories progress, and it’s a chance to escape into a little fantasy. I love reading with my littluns.
Reading is a method of Communication. Therefore it is very important, as it can be used to exchange ideas, information etc, etc. It can be used in Education, the Work-Place etc, etc. So it is a necessary Life Skill in order to be able to manage to live independently etc.
Reading is so important for building up conidence, your preferences for interests (fantasy etc) and also your imagination can grow.