My oldest son has been into Pokemon for a long time. He had his first hand held games console and Pokémon game back in 2003 when his younger brother was born (we do gifts from the new baby to the older siblings). So when he heard that Ruby and Sapphire were being released with new mega Pokemon last year he just had to get it. This also sparked interest for his younger brother, who is now 11, and has started attending a games after school club where they play card games. What he was after was some Pokémon card games. I told him that he could have the Hoenn Starter Box from Esdevium Games if he could write me a review for it (always good to help develop those writing skills).
So here it is:
Pokémon Hoenn Starter Box Review
The reason I’m interested in Pokémon is because it’s a turn based game so you can do it as fast or slow as you want. This means you do not feel rushed into taking your turn and can think about your strategy. I like it because there is so much content – with over 700 Pokémon in the latest game, taking a lot of time to catch them all. But when you’re done catching all of them you can either train them all to level hundred (and compare Pokémon with others), or train them up to battle against your friends to see who is better. But if you really want a certain Pokémon and no one you know has one you can go online and look if anyone in the world has the one you want, and you have the one they want so you can trade. Underneath all this is the main story to get the main legendary that’s on the front cover, like in Pokémon Black/White the legendries were Reshiram and Zekrom and in every game there are villains who are trying to capture this legendary Pokémon and use it for evil but you and your Pokémon have to stop them and since X/Y there has been mega evolution which is where your bond between with your Pokémon is so strong that the Pokémon becomes extra powerful.
The computer game is based on the Pokemon card game and has the same characters. The cards are not all visible and so it’s random what Pokémon you’re going to get; they could be super rare and worth thirty quid or really regular and only be worth 50p, it all depends on luck and also which pack you buy because there are loads different packs. You can use the cards to battle with your friends or do swaps. I have received the Pokémon trading card game Hoenn starter box. This box includes 3 booster packs; 2 phantom forces and 1 flash fire pack. But that’s not all of it you get an A5 limited edition Japanese writing primal kyogre/groundon (depending on which box you got) the three Hoenn starters: mudkip, treecko and torchic holographic cards as well as a pin with all 3 on. In my three packs I got three rare cards which are reverse holographic gigalith, gurdur and swadloon. There’s also a bonus code card for the Pokémon Trading Game online. The reason I got these cards was so I could add to my collection. This is a cheaper way to buy the packs and a good way to get more rare ones and bonus things.
RRP £12.99
For your chance to receive a Pokémon trading card game Hoenn starter box then enter the Rafflecopter below as I am giving one away!
Starts 13/03 – E: 27/03 0:00AM
I received two free Pokémon trading card game Hoenn starter boxes – one to review and one to giveaway. All words are honest and that of myself and my son.
My four children all love watch pokemon and playing games on the Pokemon website!
You’ve gotta catch them when you can!
The fact that it seems to be ageless – I watched it as a child and collected cards and now my son loves it and collects the cards, pokemon etc
They’re all so damn cute! especially PIKACHU!!!
me and my brother used to play pokemon trading cards and now so do are children ! pokemon are fantastic and timeless x
My kids love it and have lots of fun watching it – my son loves all the characters
1 word: Pikachu!
I love the collecting – you really have gotta catch em’ all!
Gotta catch em all , im still trying , I love pikachu
just love the cuteness of this lovely character, sucker for collecting
it brings back great memories of my childhood Saturday viewing
The cuteness of some of the characters
I love the fact it never gets old. I used to sit and watch it with my 19 yr old little brother. I now have to sit and watch it again with my boys
it brings back great memories of my childhood when my son and I play the Pokemon trading card game together
It’s something that my daughter loves. She loves drawing pokemon, collecting teddies, playing the games on the 3ds and watching the T.V series. In all honesty…she’s obsessed with pokemon.
my son says the DS games and the cool Pokemons
My children love pokemon, they love the bright colours and would spend hours watching it if i let them!
I loved it as a child (The show and the games) and now I get to relive that with my little boy who also loves it <3
They are super cool x
the fact that its timeless my sons watched it and played it, now my grandaughter does x
they were around when i was a kid
That it is NeverEnding, and can teach new lessons
fun for my kids and childhood memories for me
Wow, it’s amazing, love pokemon, as does my son, thanks for hosting
Shiny and rare cards!!
I love the range of Pokemon! Have been a big Pokémon fan forever, even have Pokemon figures as well as the cards and games!
It keeps the children quiet
My boy loves it and I like to think it’s a little educational!
Super Mario Bros
My perfect game it got to be Super Mario Bros
As they have been around so long you see,
Mario jumps around to win,
With many obstacles to be found,
Look up above you and on the ground,
In the wonderland of wii,
My control it’s got to be,
I collect the points so he can be
The winner in the land of wii
Treasured collection pieces
Of the Lords of the Fallen would be a perfect win for me
To try my skills of which I have none
trying to save people before they have gone
many obstacles to be found,
Look up above you and on the ground,
My control it’s got to be,
And if I win I would jump for glee,
A rare game this would be,
As for me to win it would be Extraordinary
How do you get 10 Pikachu’s into a mini…..
…… pokemon.
It’s my favourite joke – sorry!
I don’t have any idea about pokemon entering this for grandson who likes them, showing my fuddy duddy age now
kids love it and have lots of fun
my eldest daughter (whose 22) loved it singe age 7
That they make my son happy!
it keeps my partner quiet
A fun and addictive game!
Being able to evolve the Pokemon is what my daughter loves the most.
they are very cute, I watched them when I was child and now my children love them as well
I loved the original gameboy game and my children have had so much enjoyment with the cards games etc
my son loves to play on his NDS but would love to play this
I used to love collecting the cards first time round but now my nephew loves pokeman and collects the cards now.
I love Pokemon always have
great memories, my son loved Pokemon as a child, he’s 24 now & still does
They are sooooo lovable.
I love that my son loves them
They are all so funny and so different – everyone has their favourite
Having 5 grand-daughters who like Pokemon this will certainly be used.
You gotta catch them all!!!!
It starts kids off on a hobby xx
The sheer amount of collecting is involved makes it an almost never ending experience.
supercute – addictive fun – love the tv show and games
Timeless, loved it as a child now my child does!
I love the fact I watched it now my kids do too
Pokemon Stadium on the Gamecube; I got shoe!
I have been playing pokemon games since I was a kid and they are still timeless classics
I love how cute some of the characters are
I love its iconic battles? The scenes in the TV show are fraught with tension and emotion-searing injuries to your favorite Pokemon who always win and survive in the end.
The cuteness of it especially love PIKACHU
they so cute
i love collecting the cards
Pikachu is great!
The fact that it reminds me of my childhood.
Its something amazing that I can share with my children and show them the fun and interaction that you gain from collecting and playing with Pokémon
I used to watch it with my oldest son now I am still watching it after 7 years with my youngest and I still enjoy it
its so easy to play and all the family can watch together
I used to absolutely love the theme tune when I was little but my favourite thing has to be pikatchu
Oh man, this was such a long time ago. The last Pokemon set that I remember playing with was Plasma although this is just because I don’t have a lot of friends to play the game with. C’est la vie.