LEGO Pirate Party

Holding a LEGO Pirate Party needn’t be a complicated affair, here’s how we did it with the thanks* to Gloucestershire based company Fabulous Partyware (see links to individual products).

LEGO Pirate Party

Making a LEGO Party Table

The first most obvious thing to me was to make the table look just like a LEGO brick. This is very simple and effectively achieved by simply having a tablecloth (in this case iconic LEGO yellow) and matching paper plates – spaced out just like a brick. I would have preferred a reusable tablecloth but as it was it meant that it was easy to dispose of and I did not need to worry about any mess the children made. Our table has spaces for 8 people set out like this, but the effect can be made just the small utilising smaller tables.

Getting the Children involved in the LEGO Pirate Party

LEGO Pirate party cakesThe children helped before the party by designing LEGO plates and a Pirate picture frame (image found from the internet by the children, used for illustrative purposes only). They then looked for ideas that they could utilise (see my LEGO and Pirates Pinterest boards). Then they made and decorated Pirate cakes, LEGO Pizzas (by cutting into squares and adding pepperoni), LEGO marshmallows (using strawberry icing to stick on some strawberry laces cut into cubes) and LEGO brick juice cartons (simply wrap the carton in paper and stick on some LEGO circles).

Pirate Fabulous Partyware

Fabulous Partyware have a range of fantastic party ware. We used the Pirate cups as an alternative to using bowls to place our snacks in. We had a nice range of things such as cucumber, melon, grapes, mixed fruit and nuts, and cherries. I am sure that party sausages, sweets, crisps and the like would fit in them equally as well but we were having a bit of a healthy balance with the pizza and marshmallow bricks. You could of course just use them for drinks!

LEGO Pirate party snack pots or drinks cups

The boys also loved the Pirate Party hats and Pirate helium balloons (no helium provided) and multi-coloured balloons.

Why not have an impromptu party of your own (ours was just to make the Summer holidays more fun), or celebrate a birthday even!

One lucky reader can have a LEGO Pirate Party Bundle! (or equivalent) and EVERYONE can get 10% OFF with code ODDY15

For a chance to win follow the Rafflecopter below and tell me, in no less than 10 words:

How would you have your party – what food, decorations, games, guests?


Other merchandise available from Fabulous Partyware for a LEGO Pirate

Pirate invitesPirate NapkinsPirate GarlandsPirate BuntingPirate PlatesPirate BubblesPirate Goodie BagsPirate Thank You Cards.

Other posts of interest

Other LEGOPirate Posts of interest on Pinkoddy

* I was sent a free tablecloth, plates, balloons, hats, cake making, and cups in order to have a LEGO Pirate party. All words and opinions are my own.

70 thoughts on “LEGO Pirate Party”

  1. I love the lego pirate idea – my son would love that as he is lego and pirate mad so I would have the party like that!

  2. Well, I would have a party which was Glee themed and had all of the cast there.
    My daughter (who’s 2!) would have a Sooty themed party. She adores him!

  3. My daughter would love a pink princess party theme, with pink food, pink decorations and they could all dress up as princesses

  4. My little boys would love a Minon party they are mad for them at the moment. Lots of yellow balloons with minion faces and banana flavoured food would be fun.

  5. my son would adore lego party. I’d invite some friends around, they could watch the lego movie, then we’d have a tea party with all the traditional party food and a home made lego inspired cake

  6. I’d love to have a pirate party in the garden with family, friends and neighbours. Fancy dress, skull and crossbone bunting, walking the plank games and a big parrot shaped cake!

  7. We are having a TMNT party but I’d incorporate their Lego mini figures on to the cake (under strict supervision) and I love the idea of blind bags to be part of the party bags to go and then a big bucket of Lego left out for the children to play with and have a little competition for best building…. or Spiderman 😉

  8. I’d have a ‘Back to School’ party for parents of my son’s friends! We’d eat BBQ food, decorated with bunting & balloons, with drinking games!

  9. We would have my daughter’s first Birthday party in September, with a few friends and family, with some girlie theme.

  10. I’d have a pirate party for my nephew and his friends because his birthday is the first week of september just as they go back to school.

  11. my older 2 boys birthdays are one day apart (2nd and 3rd march) , but despite the 4 yr gap, both love minecraft and lego so think i would do a joint party with a minecraft or lego theme. or maybe minecraft lego hehe

  12. My son loves pirates and would love this. He would invite his friends and hope for good weather so that we could have it in the garden with lots of balloons.

  13. My son is 4 in September and we were thinking of throwing him a lego themed party with the family and a couple of friends from nursery.

  14. I would have fancy dress party with finger buffet, balloons and a disco and invite everyone I know. This is the plan for my 30th next year 🙂

  15. trying to organise my son’s 4th birthday now, we are have a small family party. I think he would love superheros, pirates or dinosaurs 🙂

  16. The children all love the Minions so we’d have a Minions theme with Minions treats to take home, yellow bunting, plates and cups and, hopefully, some yellow vegetables to dip along with the usual party treats.

  17. I’d have a Toy Story themed party for my little boy with games from the film such as rounding up boxes with a lassoo, pin the wings on Buzz etc. ALong with a massive Buzz Lightyear themed birthday cake!

  18. I’d have a dino themed party, with dino shaped food and fancy dress! And have jurrasic park theme songs playing in the back ground!

  19. My five grandchildren are siblings so they party together with their favourite foods such as pizza, play games, dress up in fancy dress and decorate the house with bunting and balloons.

  20. My son is LEGO mad so we would have lots of lego decorations as well as jelly cubes in lego shapes, a paddling pool full of LEGO bricks for the kids to build with as well as a lego cake! x

  21. We would have lots of family and friends over for the party, there would be lots of simple party food – sandwiches, pizza, cakes etc and there would definitely be a game of pass the parcel!


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