Improving Lifestyle in late 30s

I feel that maybe I am starting to grow up, or that I have maybe reached a certain age. Thing is I am starting to really worry about getting old and not being able to do all the things that I currently take for granted. I felt it was time to actually start having some more respect for my body by being more careful with the way I treated it. Hopefully this will then have long term benefits for not only myself but my whole family. The excuse I have always made is time, but now it is time to realise that the time is well spent if I invest it in myself – nothing else matters as much.

Health improvements in 30s

Dental Hygiene

It started really when I became more concerned about my teeth and gums. For many years we could not afford to go to a dentist and looking back I wish we had made it more of a priority. We have electric toothbrushes now and this has made it easier to ensure that everyone is at least brushing for 2 minutes. Brushing my sensory seeker’s teeth used to be such a big issue and so I am glad we have got to the point where he regularly does them with no real arguments. Now I have made time for brushing my teeth and seeing the dentist it turns out that I am being too harsh (and this is wearing away my gums). I have booked into see a hygienist so fingers crossed this will be a turning point for my oral health.

More Exercise

I guess that I have Microscooters to thank for starting the fitness off (and no this is not a sponsored post). I had asked for them to help with my sponsorship for the Danceathon and part of that was fitness training with an adult scooter. Little did I realise how much of a difference it would actually make. I went from the school run and it hurting my legs, to whizzing over 5k (in 28 minutes) to grab some bananas from the market in town.

Health improvements in 30s

I have now set myself little goals with a massive long term goal of doing a marathon by my 40th year (even if it means walking it!). I am breaking this into smaller steps: I started with getting my time for 5K to under half an hour; next I ran 10k (in 1 hr 2.5 minutes) and next I hope to get that to under 1hr, leading up to a half marathon and then eventually a marathon. I know it is cliche but the right kit really helps – for me just having wireless headphones and the wire not getting in the way, and a properly fitted sports bra (with no falling straps) makes all the difference.

Really I need to exercise more in other ways too, but currently I have just done a bit of swimming. I really ought to learn how to stretch properly – and have been given some back exercises. Yoga or at least breathing technique is something I really need to explore. I also use the opportunity of being outdoors to spot things in nature that catch my eye – and you can find a lot of them on my Instagram feed.

improving lifestyle

Better Diet

I have taken part in the Sugar Swaps campaign twice now, as well as watching Jamie Oliver’s Sugar Rush and really aware of just how poor our diet is. We seem to always be in such a rush with no time. The youngest has Sensory Processing Disorder and it can make it difficult to find foods that can be prepared ahead of time. The first thing I discovered is frozen vegetables. They are probably even better then fresh as they have the goodness locked in (unless you grow your own/buy really local). They really save time on preparation and mean I can have a whole choice to suit everyone’s tastes without ending up in the compost. From there on in I have really started utilising the freezer more – for instance saving time by freezing sandwiches for packed lunches and Frubes so that they do not go off and therefore have them ready. I recently invested in a Nutribullet and increase my fruit and vegetable consumption. Admitedly it is more spinach, seeds and fruit at the moment but I do hope to move to vegetables more in the future. Of course this coupled with more water – and I am really proud to say that (finally) I have my whole family drinking water. In fact now we just have milk, water and tea as drink options in our house (we do still let them have other things when out the house). I have for the last couple of weeks made a meal plan – this not only makes sure our meals are a bit more balanced, but also makes me stop and think about what else is going on (how long to cook etc) and has resulted in us not resorting to take out.

health improvements in late 30s

Regular Sleep

I want to start having earlier nights, with even possibly getting up earlier and being more active. This, however, is not going too well. I end up staying up beyond midnight most nights and then crash possibly at least once a week by about 6:30pm. I know this is not good for me and really do need to regulate it.

So this is me. I am trying to get the balance between finding time to look after myself, my home, spend time with my family and keep on blogging. I am hoping to further improve my lifestyle and that of my family’s. If you have any advice for me I would greatly appreciate it – and hopefully this has been useful for someone.

This post is not at all sponsored I just wanted to let you all know what I am up to.

16 thoughts on “Improving Lifestyle in late 30s”

  1. I’ve enjoyed watching your fitness journey lately – it’s been really inspiring. Sorry I don’t say much but you know how commenting on a phone with my temperamental eyesight is! There’s nothing like feeling fitter in the body to help the mind and emotional strength so hope it is standing you in good stead elsewhere in your life. Keep up the good work xx

  2. I really need to improve my lifestyle too. I know I feel better when I eat healthier and get fitter but it’s just starting it off. I must do it!

  3. Well doen Joy, it looks as if you are taking some really important steps. I need to follow you, I found out today I have early onset arthritus in my knees and thus the weight loss needs to be a priority. Ekkk Mich x

  4. I think it’s a natural part of getting older to want to take care of yourself better. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. X

  5. Teeth are so important aren’t they? I think we have got used to the idea of having better teeth these days, but my grandmother had false teeth from her 20s!

  6. You have done amazingly well. I need to start exercising and taking care of myself more – I can’t run though because I have problems with my feet but I love swimming!

  7. I am trying to do similar things at the moment Joy, but my goal is to walk up a mountain rather than to run a marathon! I’m finding it very hard going after years of bad habits, but I have started a few exercise classes which are getting me moving more than I have for years! I am looking forward to following your journey (and I’m considering making a podcast of mine!)

  8. This is amazing! Very well done to you. You’ve made some really big changes and, like you say, you should see some really positive effects for yourself and the whole family. You should be very proud of yourself.
    And good luck with that marathon! You will probably beat me to it!

  9. There’s definitely something about being in your thirties and wanting to get fitter and healthier, my dad joked the other day (while I was doing a sugar detox) that I soon wouldn’t have anything left that I was allowed to eat – I’m already a strict vegetarian. I’ve also thought about taking up running, but that’s as far as it’s got, just a thought!!

  10. Well done to you – I really need to make some changes as I enter my mid 40’s – aarrrgghh, I still can’t believe how old I am!! Kaz x

  11. Wow Joy, a marathon? That is really impressive. I have challenged myself, but I know I could never go that far. Well done on all the positive steps with your health, you’re doing so well!


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