Yeti in My Spaghetti from University games is perfect for all the family*. The game is as it sounds with a Yeti sitting on a pile of spaghetti in a bowl and you don’t want him to fall in!
How to Play Yeti in My Spaghetti
The game is set up by placing the bowl on a flat surface and randomly organising the spaghetti in a criss-cross fashion across the bowl. The Yeti is then placed on top – this is best done in the center but you can place him where you like. This is a game for two or more players and the oldest goes first.
The noodles are all different in the way they bend and curve and each player has to take away a piece of the spaghetti using just one hand (you can swap hands but only hold the spaghetti one hand at a time). The aim is not to let the Yeti fall into the bowl – and if it does then the player who was last at being successful to remove their spaghetti is declared the winner! It is okay if the Yeti is dangling – you only lose when it completely falls into the bowl (so you may even skillfully get down to the last piece of spaghetti!). You cannot test the noodles out – so the first one you touch is the one that you have to pull out. There are no instructions about what happens to excess noodles that fall out but we just assumed that they were just bonus ones that came away.
Conclusion of Yeti in My Spaghetti
I loved that Yeti in My Spaghetti is such a straightforward game: With a minimal amount of (good quality) pieces it is easy to set up, put away and store (although it is a little annoying that the Yeti comes attached through the box so when it is removed there is a hole in the packaging which the spaghetti can fall out of). The rules are simple and straight-forward making it a game for even those who have difficulty understanding. Great for turn-taking, fine-motor skills and problem solving from a young age. It is great fun to play and I would recommend it.
National Unplugging Day is held on Sunday 25th June 2017 where everyone is urged to #GoGadgetFree and come together to release their inner child and break free from technology to re-connect with themselves and those they love. To celebrate I am giving away a game of Yeti in My Spaghetti to one lucky winner.
Just answer the question below in 10 words or more and enter the Rafflecopter.
Who would you play Yeti in My Spaghetti with and who do you think would be most likely to win?
E:30/06/2017 0:00 AM
Yeti in My Spaghetti RRP: £19.99 available from Amazon
* from ages 4 plus but I am sure with help younger children could also understand and enjoy it
I received a free Yeti in My Spaghetti for purposes of review. All words and opinions are honest and my own.
This looks brilliant, I’d play with my husband and my daughters and I would win of course!
I would play this with my nephew and niece and either one of them would probably win,they are very competitive.
Family, probably my sister would win.
I would play with my kids, and my daughter would probably win, as she always seems ot, and she does’t cheat, just lucky
I would play with kids and hubby and I bet my son would win as somehow he always manages too.
would play with the whole family and hopefully me!
Id play it with my family but my 13 year old sister would probably win! She always does x
I would play it with my 2 children, would be a close to me or my son winning!
I would love to play this with my daughters as they would enjoy this.
With my grandchildren would lead to some very funny times i am sure
I’d play with my four children and my eldest son is likely to win!
I would love to play it with our games night gang and our family. I bet our nieces would win.
I’d like to play with my little boy. I wouldn’t be letting him win, but I suck at games like this so there’s a fair chance he would anyway!
My nephews , I am a big softie so I would let them win. that’s my excuse
This looks great, i would play with my children and my daughter would probably win she hates losing!
I like the look of this, we had the Spaghetti with Yeti book so my kids are would think this was related to that (if you haven’t read it I dfeinitely recommend it!). I think my husband would probably win as he is super competitive whereas the kids would want it to fall so they could laugh!
this sounds fun id play with my nieces and nephews! ive 6 of them all under 8 !!
I’d play Yeti In My Spaghetti with my best friend and her three children…and I think her 6 year old daughter would win!
I’d play with my son and hubby and I’d be most likely to win as I’m so competitive I find it tricky to let anyone else win
with the family and hopefully i would win
I think my girls would love to play this. I would play it with them. I think my teen would win.
I would play with our little Grandson and I am pretty sure that he would win!
i would play this with my nephew who is most likely going to beat me and burst out laughing x
my husband and 9 year old twins – I think I will win and my son would cry he doesn’t take loosing too well x
I would play with the kids, but as usual they would probably win
I’d play with my nephews, I don’t know who would win but it certainly wouldn’t be me!
I would play it with my wonderful nieces, who would probably win as they are bright little sparks!
I’d play in with my husband and kids. i think my husband would win as he’s very competitive.
I would play this with my little boy; he is lucky lucky lucky so he would probably win.
My nephew and niece. I think my Niece will win she usually does!
Id would have to play this with my daughters and partner, they would love this
I’d play with my wife and son. He would probably win!
My daughter and husband, guessing she would win as she normally does!
My neice, and of course i would let her win lol !
I would play with my family. It looks like a lot of fun.
We love games I’d play with my three children I think the youngest would probably win hands down
I would play with the whole family and my middle daughter would win becaue she is the most competitive
Sound like a fun game to play with all the family. I reckon my little boy and nieces would love it.
I would play it with my partner and 2 girls (2 & 7) and I would hazard a guess that my 7 year old would win and my 2 year old will claim she one
My 5 year old and of course, he would have to win!!
I would love to play this with my 2 little girls, Autumn and Ella. We would have lots of fun. I would most likely win as they’re only 3 and 4.
Id love to play this with my nephew. He’d love it!
I’d play this with my nephew who would most likely win!
I would play with kids and hubby and would have a great time doing so
I would play with my daughter Gracie and she would most definitely win as she does with most games that we play together!
I would love to play this with my two daughters as it looks like so much fun!
Me and my Daughter and most probably me as the winner because I have more patience hah
I would play this with my husband and daughter. I think my husband would win just to wind up my daughter. She is very competitive!
I’d play with my family. my boys would love this!
I would play with my 4 kids, and i think i would win
I’d play with my daughter. Although I would win she would claim she did!!
I would love to play this with my son he would love this
I would play with my family,my hubby always wins
I would play with my cousins and the rest of my family and I think they’d probably win.
I would play with my grandchildren and I would be determined to win as I’m very competitive but then two of my grandchildren are very competitive too
i would play with my son
i’d play it with my little niece and probably let her win.
I would love to play this with my three grandchildren, they are very competitive
I’d play with my nephew and nieces, we are very competitive
I would play this with my sons they love spaghetti and would love this game.