Men’s Festival Wear – A Guide

This is an advertorial piece for Men’s Festival Wear. I have been gifted clothing from Mainline Menswear’s Festival Essentials Range. What should men wear to a festival? The Type of Festival will Influence Men’s Clothing When it comes to Men’s Festival Wear there are some things to keep in mind. It will really depend on … Read more

Are My Driving Issues Down To Neurodiversity?

There are many factors that contribute to the reason I do not like driving starting with the death of my brother. This may be the reason I struggle with what I believe to be rejection sensitive dysphoria. But can my driving issues be put down to neurodiversity? Mainly I think it is the social interactions … Read more

Wisdom Tooth Removal with a Needle Phobia

Honestly I don’t remember how long ago it was when a dentist first said oh that tooth will have to come out. They always just kind of assume they can stick a needle in your mouth and all will be ok. It will not! But having your wisdom tooth taken out when you have a … Read more

What Happened Next…..My Pain Journey

Following on from my last pain diary entry I was off to the hospital. Trying not to get my hopes up but I believed that I was going for banding to finally remove my hemorrhoid. Even though that in itself is such a minor thing my anxiety was off the scale. I wasn’t sure if … Read more

Down Syndrome & Sport…..Inspirational Runner Jade’s Story

With these Inspirational Runners’ Stories I aim to show that running is for everyone. So I am super pleased that Jade was willing to share with my readers her story. Her story isn’t about her Down Syndrome other than to show it doesn’t hold her back from being a triathlete. You can follow her journey … Read more

Making Perfect Pancakes: Super Easy When You Know How

The perfect pancakes are easy to make from scratch. Honestly those ones where you just add an egg are a waste of money. In this post I tell you how we make the perfect pancakes. The perfect base for either a sweet or savoury treat. Basic Pancake Mix First of all you will want to … Read more

Pain Diary: Hip and Back Pain Progress Journey

Those of you who follow either my blog or my social media will already know that I have been suffering some pain for quite a while. Basically I thought if I kept documenting it then it would be easier for me to look back on things. I also kind of hope that some people will … Read more

Covid-19 Is it the Time to Just Start Living in the UK?

Covid-19 is really affecting lives and people are quite rightly getting fed up. This is not a political post but I cannot help but feel that here in the UK it has been handled all really badly. Things aren’t communicated well, those telling us the rules are breaking the rules, and well they just keep … Read more

Covid-19 Christmas in the UK

Due to Covid-19 Christmas in the UK was again not the one we were all hoping for. With yet another new variant spreading, and positive test results many did not get to celebrate it how they wanted. This is what happened to us. Covid-19 Christmas Cancellations Many families will have been affected by Covid-19 cancelling … Read more