You may remember that we had great fun building a Stegosaurus – which could then walk and roar. Well also in the range is a T-Rex, Triceratops and a Mammoth. The Green Board Games Co liked the first video so much they wanted us to make some more. So we did!
As a thank you they let me decide whether I wanted more for us to build or if I would like to give them to my readers. Well it’s your lucky day as I decided that I wanted to thank you. So please do watch the videos and then enter the rafflecopter below with a chance to win ALL 3!
E: 31/07/ 2014 0:00 AM
i am a big fan of dinosaurs and would love to make my own! these are so cute
Becasuse it would be a great project for me and my two daughters during the six week summer holidays.
My four children are fascinated with dinosaurs ever since we visited the Loch Ness Monster Exhibition in cotland – they are convinced Nessie is alive and a dinosaur!
my son loves dinosaurs and would find it great to build on of his own
my grandchidren love dinosaurs and these would be super for them in the long holidays.
My son is just getting to an age where it would be really cool for him to have a project to work on with his Dsddy
this would be great and they both love dinosaurs x
My middle son is dinosaur mad and he would just love to make these. It would keep him busy for a while.
These are Awsome…I know some little people who would love to make these! please please pretty please
I would love to win for both my nephews they love dinosaurs
Dinosaurs are cool and fun, they’re the best for everyone
My grandson is dinosaur mad, would love to make these.
I’d love to win because Dinosaurs are great! I’m sure my boys would enjoy building them
I’ve got a nephew who is absolutely dinosaur crazy!
My son loves dinosaurs and I am always looking for crafty activities that I can get for him, when the weather is not good enough to go outside!
I’d love to win this for our family it looks like so much fun!
for my son..hes one of thse children that has to know the inns and outs of how everything works and takes things apart just to put back together. i would hope that he would enjoy making this and not feel the urge to take something apart that I cant then fix haha
My son would love to build these.
My son would love to build these with his sister. He loves dinosaurs!
My son loves woodwork and enjoys making things putting them together.
Grandson and I love putting things together, makes a change from lego
My boy is Dino mad and can tell the difference between a Stegosaurus and a triceratops (thank goodness for spell check) (he’s only 2 and half)
my nephew loves dinosaurs and this would give us a bonding session so i can help him for a while
Because my son is obsessed with dinosaurs and would go absolutely bonkers for these!
great fun as 3d puzzle , then a really novel toy .My little cousin would be very entertained by this.
my grandson would donate his brother for these as he loves anything to do with dinosaurs
Our boys are huge dinosaur fans albeit they are quite young still but I’m sure 3 year old could manage with a helping adult on his side, once done we’d hang them from the boys bedroom ceiling
My boys would really, really like it if I won this giveaway!
my son would love it
for my son. He loves dinosaurs!
because our grandchildren love dinosaurs and would be best grandma
My nephew loves dinosaurs
i would love to win for my son who loves dinosaurs
my nephew and niece love dinosaurs we watch them on films and colour them in books
my daughter just loves dinosaurs!
My daughter just loves dinosaurs! And the dinosaur would love her!
M Y daughter has recently learnt all about dinosaurs and knows them all so she would love this
I love dinos and my neice loves them aswell so it would be lovely to put some together with her =)
The school holidays are looming like a dark cloud and I need something to keep the kids entertained.
My grandson would love this
I would love to win for my dinosaur mad son – my daughter would love to help out too!
my dinosaur and robotmad son would love this and flip!!!
mt nephew would love this one way to keep him quiet
I would like to win because my grandson loves all the dinosaurs.
Everyone loves dinosaurs!
I would keep my son busy creating & playing
love this for my daughter xx
Because it would make a wonderful gift for my nephew who love to make things.
My son is totally obsessed with dinosaurs at the moment and these would make a great birthday present.
I would to win as when the rubbish weather starts again it would be a fab little project for me and my daughter to keep ourselves amused.
my son and I are fans of anything prehistoric, he’s 6 and his biggest dream is to be a palaeontologist
so building his own dinosaur that can walk would be fantastic 
I shared the dinosaur competition
My Grandson would love one of those dinosaurs
My friends son is dinosaur mad and he would just love to make these. It would keep him busy for a while.
Well knowing the british weather I bet there will be a few rainy days where a fun craft project such as this would come in very handy for my boys.
we are staying on the jurassic coast this year, perfect for my dino fans & this would make a fab pressie if we have a rainy day in the caravan x
My grandson has a dinosaur themed bedroom, so these would fit right in.
My son loves all things dinosaur and also building models so this would be the perfect combination!
Would be great for my nephews who struggle in life
Because only I can bring the dinosaurs back to life and create a real life (wooden) Jurassic Park!
I would love to win this for my class , they love dinosaurs .
Have a dinosaur mad son.
would love to win for my son who is obsessed with dinosaurs
I can imagine my son and partner doing theses together leaving me to do something relaxing for a little while, win win all round
I would love to win this for my 3 year old daughter she is mad about dinosaurs
We love dinosaurs and crafts, fab x
My son loves dinosaurs so he would love me to win this!
My son loves dinosaurs and at the moment he has to wear an eye patch. Putting something fiddly together like these kits will help his weaker eye work hard
My son was always fascinated by dinosaurs and now his sons are too. My elder grandson would especially like this prize.
My son loves dinosaurs and he would love to build his own
my son is a massive dinosour mad fan this would be a great project for him to keep him interested
Because my 2.5 year old daughter is currently obsessed with dinosaurs!
I would love to win this as its something my hubby and son could build together and have lots of fun and games with later
My grandson loves dinosours
My Nephew loves dinosaurs and building things so this would be the perfect gift for him
super fun educational, interactive family fun
i would love to win this for my son, he loves putting things together.
I have an adorable grandson, who is absolutely dinosaur mad and he would so so love this
My son loves dinosaurs and knows everything there is to know about them! Always teaching us lol!
Because myself and my boys and nephew can sit and and build them and have lots of fun
I think Jen and D could have fun with this. ps I added to the winningweekends linky.
We are spending a small fortune on everything dinosaur related.. my 4 years old loves them!
To build with my looks great fun!
Because dinosaurs are one of the few things that can hold their interest for longer than 30 seconds!
I love dinosaurs and this looks amazing! Kids would love it!
My son would love this he’s dinosaur mad esp after watching Jurassic park x
I have 3 lads and theres a big gap , older 2 are 15 and 16 and youngest is 6 , i want to win beacuse the older 2 would love doing this with their little bro and little one would love it !
i have 2 grandchildren and they would love it
It would be good for my husband to help our son build the dinosaur – quality time together
My little sister loves making things.
these would be great presents for my daughter and step-son, who are both big dino fans!
Would make a great pressie for a boy i know called george!
I would just love to make the dinosaurs!
I would like this giveaway for my grandson who loves dinosaurs, history and making models
I would like to give this to my son and his dad so they can build them together and they both like dinosaurs!
i would love to win this to keep my 7 year old entertained he loves building stuff and dinosaurs so two ticks in one
My little boy is really interested in dinosaurs and would love these
I would love to win them for my 6 year old nephew,he is fascinated with dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs and mammoths will never be dead while kids live.
because my nephew would love it he has an obsession with dinosaurs
My young grandson is obsessed with dinosaurs and Andy’s dinosaur Adventures
my daughter loves jurassic park and would love this.
I work with an autistic boy who is home schooled and these would be a great project for him
My niece is crazy about dinosaurs and would absolutely love to have this.
My nephew loves dinosaurs but has a very short attention span he just likes to run around, this would hopefully keep him sat down and interested for more than 10 mins so his mum can have a well deserved rest with him whilst helping to make it.
My little girl loves dinosaurs , I would love this so I could spend some time crafting with my little girl.
These are fantastic! What a great birthday present these would make for my daughter’s best friend, he loves building things and dinosaurs.
Both my son and husband love to go looking for fossils and reading about dinosaurs so this dinosaur model kit would give them both a great project to do together over the summer holidays
Perfect to do in the summer holidays with the kids. x
My son loves Dinosaurs – what a great prize!
My nephew would really really really really really love this
Would love this for the Nephew
My kids would love this – it would keep them quiet during the holidays!
Because my 3 year old is starting to show an interest in Dinosaurs. I’d love us to make these roar together
for my nephew he is the best
i would love to win this prize for my cousin as they look like great fun
They look really fun and educational at the same time.
My son is the biggest dinosaur fan that has ever existed!
Looks great fun, would be a lovely gift for my nephews
I would love to win this for my twin nephews
Fun educational product to keep my kids busy this summer
I would love to give this to my friend so we can make dinosaurs with her nephew!
I would like to win this for my daughter as she loves building things (we have a ton of lego!) and I think even her ‘im too cool for everything’ teenage brother would be unable to stop himself getting involved, which means i’d get a bit of peace!
Three little boys out playing in the sun
Dinosaurs with Granny equals rainy day fun!
for my nephew to put away for christmas
for my nephew to put away for christmas he loves making things
because i love dinosaurs but everything dino-related is made for children (I’m 20!)
My son is dinosaur crazy has been for many years and wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up his bed room is full of fossils that we have found and bought when on holidays
My nephew Romano is mad about dinosaurs and would love this!
My disabled son is 20 but he loves making these
My son would love these for his bedroom shelf
My son is due his next operation in the next couple of months and this would keep his mind off food going up to the hospital and after the op.
I love dinosaurs, all of them, so much I Transformers 3 to see the Dinobots!
Because my son would absolutely love this and so would his Dad!
The three boys love dinosaurs …….how long would my house be quite, while they sat and made these…… a long time if I hid the instructions !!!!!!
When I was a child I had a lot of these wooden models which I used to put together and then paint. I would love this for my godson, I didn’t even know one could buy them any more