Breast Cancer Fear when I found a lump

So I have found a lump in my breast. No big deal right? I mean I am only 36 and there’s loads of reasons why women have lumps. Worst case scenario it’s Cancer. Did you know that Breast Cancer is one of the most curable Cancers that there is? Trouble is I still remember this from when my mom found her lump (in the shower). She had a double mastectomy by the time she was 45 years old, chemo and radiotherapy. By 48 Cancer had spread through her lymph glands, into her bones (I think that’s how it worked), and she had a 10cm tumour on her liver.

breast cancer

The likelihood of this happening to me – is that any greater because it happened to my mom? Even if it’s nothing the scenarios running through my head make me realise just how hard it all must have been for my mom. My little brother was only 14 when she died. He’d have only been 11 when she was diagnosed – the same age as my second oldest son. Who would take care of my children if I needed treatment? Especially my Sensory Seeker? How would it all work financially? This has reminded me to write a will and next month is Will Aid.

I toyed with the idea of keeping it all off the internet but I am positive that I will go to the doctors and they will say it’s nothing. But I have learnt a few extra things on the way – such as being inactive and drinking alcohol will make me more likely to develop Breast Cancer. It has helped me stop and not reach for a drink and instead head for the fruit bowl. Also my breast is painful – and pain is not often associated with Breast Cancer. Instead of being embarrassed that they will say I am wasting their time I am going to go ASAP because if there is something wrong then early detection is crucial.

The risk of any woman having Breast Cancer in her lifetime is 1 in 8. The risk starts much smaller than this and increases with age, but I am sure you agree that this could happen to so many of us. Do regularly check your breasts so you can early detect any changes.

35 thoughts on “Breast Cancer Fear when I found a lump”

  1. Ahhh bless you Joy! I do hope your lump turns out to be nothing! While you are at the doctors you should ask about your options, eg testing, regular breast scans etc especially as breast cancer seems to run in your family! At least you are on the ball and know the signs and are talking about it and raising awareness via your blog! You are so brave and an inspiration xxx

    • Thank you Tracy. I think my mom’s was caused by HRT so nothing genetic to warrant extra testing, but I still wonder if there is. I am sure they will tell me though, so that’s a good point thank you. You are very kind.

  2. My mum was diagnosed in 2010 and she has just been given the all clear. Thank goodness for our amazing NHS and early detection. Check those breasts ladies!

  3. I do hope it’s nothing serious but of course you’ll have all sorts of scenarios running through your head after what your mum went through. Only share what you want to though, sending love and strength x

  4. I have just been throught the whole caboodle with breast cancer clinic and full screening as there was a scare….
    It is strange sitting and contemplating how life could change, but I actually didn’t feel negative or scared, sort of accepting and an appreciation for the things I have and love, we all have to learn about enjoying the now, I have spent too much time with one foot in the past and worrying about the future, so a feeling of gratitiude came over me. And yes, we live in the best part of the world regards healthcare and cancer is mostly dealt with before it is too sinister.

    • So sorry to hear that you have been through all this.
      I am glad you took something so positive from it. I have had a lovely day just enjoying my boys in the forest today.

  5. The first time you get a cancer scare is always the worst – I’ve had lumpy breasts since my late 20s, but every one has been okay so far. I’m sure yours will be fine too x

  6. Keeping everything crossed it not Cancer Joy! Please do keep us posted if you feel you can! Hubbies mum fought it and has been given the all clear. xx

  7. Bless you, hope everything is ok with the check-up. I panic about health issues too now I have children, even more so now we have diabetes to deal with. It’s so hard when you know you’re the one who makes it all bearable for them. Fingers crossed x

  8. I’ve had a lot of lumps – many of them painful – and all have proven to be cysts. It’s still scary though, so i do feel for you.

  9. I hope everythings turns out okay 🙂 I’m sure that it will and it’s always best to be checked to be safe. Thank you for the giveaway

  10. My mum had a scare a few months ago with pain in her breast, thankfully it wasn’t anything serious but the worst case scenario ran through my mind- cancer. We were so appreciative of how quickly she was referred and checked out by a consultant. The important thing is to get checked out early, even though it’s scary xx

  11. Thank you for reminding people to go to the GP as early as poss, it is always better to get something checked out and be told it’s nothing than to do nothing

  12. So glad that you had the courage to speak out and hopefully this will inspire others to take the plunge and get it checked out by the doctors.

  13. Hope everything turns out ok.

    I always take the time to donate to Breast cancer awareness, my mother in law had it twice. When I was married, instead of handing out favours, every person got a breast cancer awareness pin. (we were married in October, which is the awareness month)

  14. Well said and goodluck! I had a lump when I was only 23 – my dr said ‘you’re far too young for cancer’ yet I persisted and got it check out! Luckily it wasn’t cancer, but it did highlight another illness.


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