Hotel Chocolat Scrambled Egg Review and Giveaway

There is just so much choice when it comes to Easter chocolate these days isn’t there, in different shapes, sizes and chocolates. So I was delighted when Hotel Chocolat asked me if I would like to review and giveaway one of their products I was delighted. They have a great range including the Easter Egg Sandwich (which comes in Caramel, Dark, Milk, White) – I thought this particularly great for those who do not want the traditional egg shape. The Egglet H-Box  which is a selection of 15 delicious eggs – perfect for sharing or if you wanted to do an egg hunt. But I opted for the Scrambled Egg – which comes in white, milk, dark and milk-free milk.

Hotel Chocolat White Chocolat Scrambled Egg

white chocolate scrambled egghotel chocolate giveawayWhite chocolate is my favourite and I don’t have it that often. It can be quite sickly at times and so the fact that there was other types of chocolate “scrambled” into the 150g white chocolate hollow egg design,I found very appealing. It comes with six scrambled Pralines sealed in white chocolate too – making it easy for me to give the rest of my family a treat too.

Straight away I felt that Hotel Chocolat went to every effort to make me feel special. My egg was not only delivered in a luxurious gift bag and message card but then tissue wrapped. This stylish touch made me feel that this egg was not just an ordinary egg. In fact, in all honestly I could not wait to open it and eat it – the lighting wasn’t right and my pictures are awful! The Egg itself was just as quality as the packaging.

RRP £15.00 Gift bags are £2.50 or a gift box are just £5. Message cards are free.

If you would like to try a Hotel Chocolat White Chocolat Scrambled Egg for yourself then enter the rafflecopter below – telling me in no less than 10 words about why you would like one and who you would give it to.


Ends 27/03/2015 0:00 AM


For more chances to win a Hotel Chocolat Egg visit Mummy Mishaps, AMummyToo, LoveFromMummy, and Mama Mummy, Mum

336 thoughts on “Hotel Chocolat Scrambled Egg Review and Giveaway”

  1. i would like one for myself. I’ve never tried hotel chocolat and as an adult, no longer get easter eggs bought for me .

  2. Hee hee I quote: ‘tell me in no less than 10 years’ This egg looks delicious – I think I would keep the large egg for me and let my four children share the smaller eggs! My kids get eggs from their grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc – at least 10 each and I am lucky if I get one! Thank you for the giveaway! Love Hotel Chocolat!

  3. I would keep this for me, and only me! The kids get enough chocolate over Easter, and us mums never seem to get any – so this would be mummy’s egg! xx

  4. I would really love to win one. It is so different from many of the eggs you can get nowadays, looks delicious!

  5. I’d love to win to give it to my Mum – she loves white chocolate and Hotel Chocolat is a nice luxurious brand so she’d really enjoy it.

  6. I would like to win the egg , so as to give it to my sister, who gives so much of herself to others . She is kind caring and supportive .

  7. Hotel Chocolat makes such tasty chocolate and such inventive eggs I’d love to be able to share one with my lovely boyfriend who puts up with me!

  8. I would love to try the Hotel Chocolat white Chocolate scrambled Easter egg becayse I adore white Chocolate & have not tried any Hotel Chocolate white chocolate before xxx

  9. I love all types of chocolate, but if I had to pick just one it would be white choc. I would love to win this and share it with my daughter

  10. If I won a white or milk chocolate egg I would give it to my daughter. If I got one of the new milk free ones I would have it all to myself.

  11. Well as Hotel Chocolat is known for it’s good quality chocolate I would really like to try some! I would share it with my family; we have yet to buy any Easter eggs! 🙂

  12. I would share this with my children, hopefully i get to actually have a couple of bites myself before they finish it all xx

  13. Why? Because it’s chocolate 😀 Who? I’d give it to the Hubster, but he’d better share it back with me, or else… 🙂

  14. i’d love it for myself as i never get anything nice as the hubby and son seem to like to steal my stuff so i would have to hide this

  15. Hotel Chocolat is amazing quality chocolate. I would like one for my boyfriend (and of course I would have to try a bit too!)

  16. I would love one of these as they look delicious, I have never had a posh Easter Egg, i would share it with my Wife

  17. I’d share it with my husband as we always get our son an Easter egg but don’t get ourselves one so it would be a lovely treat.

  18. I would love to win to give to my son as he has been really behaved and this would beat the cadburys eggs i normally buy xx

  19. I would give this to my partner who loves luxury chocolates. I’m on a diet so will be limiting my chocolate intake over Easter!

  20. I would like one because I love chocolate, although I would be kind enough to share it with my family and boyfriend!

  21. Every year I drop humongous hints about hotel chocolat eggs and I’m still yet to receive one! So I’d love to win so I can finally have a taste

  22. As the person in the household who buys all the eggs, I never buy one for myself. I love white chocolate and Hotel Chocolat so this would be the perfect combination to indulge myself

  23. I would love to win one to share with my husband.As we have eight grandchildren by the time we have bought eggs for them,then my daughters still like to get an egg,and their partners too,the Easter Bunny has run out of money for us ! xx

  24. I would give it to my other half – after all we’ve been together 34 years (last week) and I’ve given up trying to keep nice things for myself

  25. My eldest daughter loves white chocolate. I always try to buy her a white chocolate egg at Easter but there is not much choice in the shops. This hotel chocolat scrambled egg would be an eggcelent gift for her

  26. 10 words is gonna to be hard 😉 I’d give it to my kids, they work so hard at work, would be nice for them to have a reward

  27. I would love to win because my Hubby and I love Hotel Chocolat items and don’t treat ourselves enough, so I would share it with him if I was lucky enough to win.

  28. I always put so much thought in to what my children are getting for easter & how to make the day fun for them that i neglect others. i would give this to my husband as it defintely beats the £3 kitkat one i had my eye on for him 😉

  29. I would give this to my daughter who loves chocolate. Sadly, her hamster died yesterday so this would help to cheer her up a bit.

  30. I would give this to my hubby as I tend to steal his chocolate all too much and he could have this one all to himself!

  31. I’d love to win this, as me and boyfriend have given up chocolate for lent, so it would be a lovely treat to share at easter!

  32. I’d like one as chocolate is my favourite food and these eggs look great, I may share a little bit with my son.

  33. Love Hotel Chocolat such a fine brand, would love to try this and share with my partner as he loves white chocolate.

  34. I’d love to win as hotel chocolat is the ultimate chocolate treat and I’d share with my children and I’d even let hubby have a little!

  35. I would love to win one as it looks interesting and something I haven’t tried before and I would share it with my husband.

  36. Because Hotel Chocolat,
    Is where it’s at,
    And scrambled eggs are great,
    It would be fab to win,
    this delicious thing,
    and share it with my mate!
    (Ok, I’d share it with my family, but that doesn’t rhyme very easily!)

  37. I would like to win this scrambled egg Hotel Chocolat as I have never tried this chocolate before, I’m sitting here drooling at it and it is talking back saying it wants me too :-).

  38. I would like this to share with my husband. The kids always get lots of eggs and we don’t so it would be a nice treat

  39. These look so lovely! Probably the only choc makers who make the products look really great too as well as taste great <3

  40. I’d love to win this because it looks so yummy! I’d give it to my husband, as he deserves a treat fo working so hard – But I’m hoping he will share!!!

  41. I’d love one because ive never had a hotel chocolat easter egg before, and all their other products are delicious! I’d give half to my boyfriend as he is a sweetie and he always shares his with me 😀

  42. Ideally this would be all for me – because I’m greedy. In practice, it will be shared with my hubby and three hungry grandchildren

  43. I would keep it for me as I never get an Easter egg & this looks amazing 🙂 if my boys see it, I will have to share of course!!

  44. Every Easter I treat us to some Tiddly Chicks as I can’t afford a Hotel Chocolat Easter Egg so I’d love to win this for us to share as an extra special treat x

  45. I would love this for myself because Hotel Chocolat is the best, I may share with my partner though. I think I should make it my mission in life to sample everyone of their products.

  46. I would love to win one because Hotel Chocolat is always a very decadent treat that I wouldn’t buy for myself

  47. I would love to win because I am a chocaholic, I’ve never had anything from Hotel Chocolat before either, so would be lovely to try.. and I’d be gifting it to myself and my fiancee (as I think we deserve something nice)

  48. I would like one for myself as I have been very good and dechoxing for March and so looking forward to lots of chocolate in April

  49. I would love to win it for my Husband. I would make him share it of course! I love Hotel Chocolat but because it is quite expensive it is a real treat to look forward to.

  50. I would love to win one of these eggs so that I could give it to my mum 🙂 I was working on Mother’s day so this would make up for me missing it.

  51. I would love this as it looks so tasty. I’d probably share it mostly with myself, but my partner could have a tiny bit!

  52. I would love one just for me, I adore white chocolate and in my home my family always get to the treats before me, I think I would hide it !

  53. I would love one as whenever I get anything nice in the house my partner ends up eating it before I have had the chance! This would be very safely locked away

  54. I’m a chocoholic so would love to win to try it for myself …white chocolate is my fav. I suppose I would have to grudgingly share with the family as it would be a lot to eat by myself:-)

  55. I would like to win because I’ve never tried Hotel Chocolate before! I’m not going to lie – I’d probably to eat it all to myself!

  56. I would love to win this to give as a gift to my daughter. We are both huge Hotel Chocolat fans and this would be a really special treat for her. She likes white chocolate better than me, if it was dark or milk it would have to be shared equally between us!

  57. Being a massive chocolate fan I would love to have this to try myself, and if I have a posh Easter egg of my own it will save me from eating the kids eggs!!!

  58. I love hotel Chocolat chocolate :3 I tend to buy myself something small from them around christmas time 🙂 Definitely would be a treat for myself 😛

  59. Hotel Chocolate is my absolute favourite brand of chocolate, I’ll be honest it’s most likely I will share it with myself but I’m feeling generous may share it with my mum too

  60. I would share this with my husband and children ….. actually no I wouldn’t I would hide it in the bedroom and eat it when no one was around 🙂

  61. Mmmm share…no…for me……for hubby….no……for me……no…..maybe……no has to be for Grandad he deserves it……but he would share it……so…..mmmm Grandad

  62. I’d love to win this for my other half… he adores white chocolate! And as new parents we don’t treat ourselves or each other very much, so this would be a lovely surprise xxx

  63. I would love to win as I have never tried Hotel Chocolat before but it looks so delicious! I would definitely keep it for myself but im sure I could share a little with my son and husband lol! x

  64. I’d share it with my boyfriend P. We love Hotel Chocolat and its a rare luxury treat that we really take time to savor. The chocolate tasting selections I’ve ordered have lasted us for days as we pick a few chocs to share and really make them last. Its sooooo good!

  65. Hotel Chocolat eggs are always great quality – and the fact that this is white chocolate is just another reason why I’d love it!

  66. I would love to win this for my husband as he is currently very down at the moment about his studying and this would help to cheer him up.

  67. Fabulous! I love Hotel Chocolat and I love white chocolate so I’d have to say I’d share with my husband (but I can’t guarantee it would be a 50/50 share – it might go more in my favour! lol

  68. Like you said, white chocolate can be quite sickening so I would share this with my toddler daughter, she appreciates the occasional milky bar ha ha

  69. I’d like to win it to give to my mum; each time she comes to see me, she’s been eating a couple of chocolates from a tub of Quality Street from Christmas and there are only a couple left.

  70. This will be my little girls first easter in which she can eat chocloate due to lactose intolerance and she loves white chocolate.

  71. I’d love one of these to give to my mum to thank her for everything she does for me and my twins Amber and Ethan. Although they’d probably steal it from her lol

  72. I would give to myself for a treat as we don’t normally give eggs to the adults in the house, normally its just the children who get one.

  73. I’d love to because it goes without saying that Hotel Chocolat Easter eggs are something special – and I would share with my hubby (because I know he won’t take that much!

  74. I would give to my husband, as ever since I had to go dairy free over 18 months ago his sweet intake has suffered, lol!

  75. I would love to try this delicious looking egg and I would share it with all of my family. My boys could break up the big egg to share and hubby and I could share the little ones for a treat. Thank you!

  76. Well, I’m the only one in my family that likes white chocolate, so I think it’d have to be for me! Good reward for all the gymming I’ve been doing this last fortnight!

  77. I would like to win so that I could give it to my lovely Dad. He’s had a tough few months healthwise after a stroke last year, so hopefully this would cheer him up!

    Thank you for a great giveaway.

    @smeethsaysfashn on twittt

  78. I love hotel chocolate!! It’s so scrummy!! And i’d love to share this with my boyfriend as he’s so scrummy too!!! haha xxx


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