A Bug Hunt

ย I’m thinking about money saving and environmentally friendly things for families. This week I will share with you our “Bug Hunt,” a great way to get the kids outdoors and helping the kids to consider the environment they live in, and who (or what) they share it with.


My very organised friend Kate printed off a sheet of things for us to go and find. Then she arranged for us all to meet over the big field down the road.


And off the children went to find the bugs (they also did a lot of tree climbing too).


Off they went in search of bugs. We looked under rocks, and large branches on the floor. I think it’s really important for children to learn about bugs. About what kind of habitats they live in, and what kind of bugs are easy to find at this time of year. This is a great way to introduce the children to a bit of science at a young age.

The children discovered which bugs may harm them and which wouldn’t.

The children managed to suck up a wasp, they were told that it may have become angry, so to be careful where it was released (an adult let it out again in a safe area). Old jam jars could be used to keep the bugs in.


There was a branch that was left onย the ground, and the children were shown that the bugs like to live underneath it, where it is dark, and that if you gently pull back the broken bark you can find all manner of extra bugs that were previously hiding.


We had this device that sucked them up, but to be honest a good old-fashioned pick them up with your fingers was better. Again one of the mothers had this great boxes with holes at the top (to allow the air in) but this could just as easily be achieved by using an old tub (I like to use Flora ones) and make some holes with scissors.buttercupsThen they had a game of hide and seek in the grass. It was a really good game, and once the children lay down you really couldn’t see them.

Before exploring their surroundings.


and finding a den.


This is NOT a sponsored post.

115 thoughts on “A Bug Hunt”

  1. the weather meaning you can spend more time outdoors with your family, the beach, the park and bbqs I LOVE SUMMER ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. We like to spend as much time in the garden as possible, eating, drinking, playing, gardening and socialising.

  3. Get out in the sunshine as much as possible! We don’t get many sunny days so as soon as one comes along I am out with the kids and dog – into the countryside or down on the beach for a picnic or a walk!

  4. I live by some beautiful beaches so as a family if the weather is lovely we camp by the beach for the weekend.

  5. Linked up again this week ๐Ÿ™‚
    I love picnics in the summer and exploring new areas with the kids.
    (subscribed and done all but share on Fb as can’t work out how via the form!)

  6. I haven’t linked up anything green or outdoorsy, but it’s definitely inspirational, from the lovely Mother Theresa no less ๐Ÿ™‚ (From The Healer blog) and your post is gorgeous. You’re a braver woman than I – but, mother of four boys, this needs to be in your dna! Fab.

  7. i love sunny days in the garden with a bbq and the paddling pool out for the kids, i love family days out as well.

  8. I like to take picnic out and go somewhere for a nice walk and make the most of the good weather… when we have it!

  9. bug hunts are such good fun we have done a couple one of which was organsied by out lcoal NT property last summer and they allowed us to use those jars and a net! it teaches kids to respect wildlife and not to be afraid of them (even though i dont like spiders lol)
    your children did really well they found a lot of intersting bugs didnt they? and i love that meadow filled with long grass and buttercups x

  10. I love doing any outdoor activity with my lively 6 year old boy – the park, beach, picnics, walks, fishing, bug collecting, gardening, football, climbing, exploring…

  11. I live very near a canal so I love to take my grandchildren for walks along it every weekend for them to share the beauty of nature and learn a little about how nature evolves

  12. I LOVE the bug hunt! We found a caterpillar just this week which was cool and my wee man was so gentle which made me very proud. We also like when we find ants but I have to admit we are not so kind to them! Our favourite activity is definitely finding stones and then throwing them into the water so bring on summer and the sunshine! My aim for this summer is to spend the day at the beach!

  13. This is totally up my street, and just how I spent a lot of my childhood, we’ve been watching a caterpillar pupate infront of our eyes here. #CountryKids

  14. A full fun day outdoors exploring and appreciating nature – all for free, what a great way to spend a day. Bug spotting is such a good idea, and as you say all you need is a tub or jar. A few trees to climb and a game of hide and seek are perfect activities for children of all ages. Thanks for sharing your bug adventures with Country Kids.

  15. What a fantastic bug hunt! Looks like great fun, and educational too. I love the buttercup (?) field, very pretty ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. walking along the beach with the children and the dogs – actually, I like that anytime of the year, but its particularly lovely on a summery evening


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