How do Astronauts Eat in Space?

Ks1 learning about spaceIt is an amazing feeling when children come out of school so enthusiastic to share what they have learnt. This is even more the case when that child has trouble expressing themselves or communicating in general. This term has been one of those times as The Sensory Seeker kept coming home telling me all about outer space. He came home with a rocket he made and even asked me to get him a book about Space.

Miles Kelly’s 100 Facts Books

I was lucky enough to be asked if we would like copies of Miles Kelly’s 100 Facts Solar System and 100 Facts Stars & Galaxies100 Facts Space Travel. These books are full of fun facts, quizzes, cartoons and ideal for children as they are beautifully illustrated and presented in a fun way. Visit the Pinkoddy Facebook Page for more insight into the books.

We were also sent a place mat about living in space taken from the book 100 Facts Space Travel and set a recipe challenge. The challenge got us to think about how Astronauts ate food in space. How they had to have it strapped down and use straws so that it did not float away because of the weightlessness. The boys learned how the food is dried to save weight. They only eat with spoons – no plates, knives and forks.

Ks1 learning about space

Space Snacks ideas

  • Hannah – A New Addition – suggested powdered soup with croutons – using a tray to help strap the food to them.
  • Laura – My Life as Mummy – Noodles
  • Jenny – Mummy Mishaps – Pasta Sauce. She also had lots of cool Space themed ideas: Birds Eye Chicken Space Shapes; Pizza with a veggie ring; Potato Stars; A Space Kebab Stick (cherry tomato, cucumber slice, carrot slice, pea, babybel, topped with a potato or star shaped sandwich – with each of the circles representing a planet).
  • Solar System – Creative Kids Snacks.

We then watched some videos to see what it is really like in Space:

NASA – Eating on the Space Station

National Space Centre – Chris Hadfield’s Space Kitchen 

Science Channel – Space Food

BBC News Science – Asking children to design a space meal for astronauts 

Space Snacks – Recipe Challenge

Invent a dish that is made from only tinned or packet food. Use a microwave if it requires cooking. List the ingredients. Take a picture and share.

space snacks

We were sent ingredients to make the Out of this World Pudding Recipe:

space snacks

The boys found it quite difficult to make as we strapped everything down. We were also aware that actually the method we used for adding the powder wouldn’t have worked as it would have just floated away. We actually used the food syringe to try to pull the food out of the bag to eat so that it would not float away.


Lucky readers of Pinkoddy have a chance of receiving the 3 Miles Kelly’s 100 Facts Books – just answer the question below in no less than 10 words and enter the Rafflecopter giveaway:

What would be your favourite space snack and why?

UK only

E: 23/07/2015

0:00 AM

Other Space Related Posts:

Space Day – Jennifers Little World

NASA Space Shuttle the Final Mission – Mari’s World

Space Centre Leicester – Kids Days Out Reviews

Space Craft ideas –  Red Ted Art


I received free books and space snack making materials for purposes of this promotion and review. No other financial incentive was given. The prize will be sent directly to the winners. All words and opinions are my own.

86 thoughts on “How do Astronauts Eat in Space?”

  1. My favourite space snack would be those flying saucers you get in mix-up bags! Love the fizzy sherbet inside and I still enjoy the odd one now!

  2. Mine would have to be crisps – I’d want to recreate that scene out of The Simpsons where Homer is floating around gracefully eating crisps, haha!

  3. I think my favourite space snack would have to be home made sausage rolls dipped in tomato ketchup mmmmm delicious

  4. My favourite space snack would be jelly as I think it would be amusing to see it wobbling away & floating!

  5. It would be Space Dust popping candy for me. I am a big kid when I get my hands on some and love it. It’s especially good if you mix it in with the frosting on your cupcakes (but don’t tell anyone it’s in there . . . immature, I know!).

  6. I’m not sure how I would manage to eat them but I’d love to eat strawberries and whipped cream if I was in space! Their smell reminds me of my childhood 🙂

  7. Crisps. All of the crisps. They are what I crave most and quite long lasting ie don’t go out of date too soon or don’t easily go off.

  8. I remember when you could buy the freeze dried space food in the shops, im sure one was a yogurt flavour and it was soooo yummy everyone in school used to bring it in

  9. Mine would be popping candy as I think it would be really cool to eat in space. Thanks for the lovely giveaway, these books look really good.

  10. My favourite Space Snack would have to be Space Raiders Pickled Onion Crisps! The reason being I am absolutely addicted to crisps and become very cranky without them!


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