Halloween Entertainment ideas

October Half term is just around the corner but what I like about these school holidays is that it is also Halloween – which means there’s always lots to do.

Indoor Halloween Fun

Halloween Entertainment ideasIf you do not fancy going out then there’s a wealth of ideas online for activities to do indoors. They can be done throughout the holidays. Some of my favourites are:

Why not read a book – like Parragon’s My Big Book of Monster Fun (ISBN 978-1-4723-9202-2 priced £7.99).

Over 180 pages of stories, colouring and activities all with a monster theme. Split into 6 defined sections – Scaredy Boo, Monster Activities, Monster Colouring, T-Rex Terror, Diosaur Activitie, Dinosaur Colouring – plus Answers section. This book was just perfect for my 6 and 8 year olds with things to think about, whilst having fun and helping further develop their fine motor skills. This will definitely occupy a child for a fair amount of time over the holidays.

Halloween Giveaway with HARIBO

Halloween just wouldn’t be the same without some dressing up and all important TREATS. Honestly my favourite sweets are HARIBOS – because they are not hard on the teeth and do not get all sticky. Plus you can get them in handy small sized bags making sure that everyone gets an equal amount (whilst being hygienic). So I was really pleased when HARIBO offered to not only send my family some tasty Halloween HARIBO treats but wanted to offer Pinkoddy readers an offer to get their Halloween started.

HARIBO Halloween giveawayHARIBO Trick or Treat Hamper (worth £60):

  • Selection of HARIBO Halloween products: HARIBO Trick or Treat multipack – a delicious bundle of Halloween themed gums and jellies in portion controlled mini-bags, which are perfect for any demon or devil on your doorstep. HARIBO Horror Mix – a Halloween themed bag where you’ll find the tastiest bats, frogs, spiders and even broomsticks. Perfect to tip into bowls for frightful parties or to share with friends and family whilst enjoying a spooky movie night in! HARIBO Share the Fun tub. Filled with a mix of portion controlled mini bags, Share the Fun brings together HARIBO’s popular treats Starmix, Super Mix and Tangfastics – ideal to have by the door for trick or treaters.
  • £50 voucher for a fancy dress costume (provided by an online retailer).

To enter follow the Rafflecopter instructions and leave a comment below telling me which of these things sounds the best to get up to this Halloween (in no less than 10 words)


ENDS 0:00 AM 11th October 2015

Halloween for Merlin Pass Holders

We are going to be utilising our Merlin Annual Passes this October – here are some of what the Merlin attractions have to offer:

Fright Nights at Thorpe Park Resort 9-11th, 16th– 18th October and 23rd October – 1st November 2015

Open 10am-10pm – Fright Night attractions open from 3pm.

  • The Big Top – a brand new scare maze set an abandoned carnival
  • In partnership with Lionsgate UK there are 4 other movie themed live action horror mazes
  • Thrilling rides in the dark including THE SWARM, SAW – The Ride and Stealth!

The Rocky Express, Rumba Rapids and Loggers Leap will close at 5pm on these dates and I’m a Celebrity Attraction will not open on these dates. Entry is free but a £1 reservation booking for Premium Pass Holders – not essential but you may be turned away if you have not reserved your space when the park reaches full capacity. £5 entry for Standard Pass holders. Other ticket options are available to beat the queues and for the mazes.

8th October Preview Night: This is exclusively for Merlin and THORPE PARK Resort Annual Pass Holders

Not recommended for those aged 13 and under.

Séance at The London Dungeon

Notorious medium Florence Cook makes even the hardest disbelievers hair stand on end. Halloween sees the scares ramped up to the max! £1.00 per person to reserve a time slot online. Standard Annual Passes are not valid on the 29th and 31st of October.

Legoland Windsor Halloween 2013

BRICK OR TREAT at the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort

  • 17th October – 2nd November Fun Spook-tacular activities
  • 17th 18th 24th 25th 30th and 31st October Ninjago Fireworks: LEGO Ninjago heroes Kai, Lloyd, Cole and Jay in an epic pyrotechnic battle against the evil Morro and the cursed realm. Last year there were special glasses that made the fireworks look like LEGO bricks and it was a display not to be missed! Fireworks! On the 17th and 18th the fireworks start at 7pm after a 1 hr pre-show, and 6:30pm (with 5:30pm pre show) on the other dates due to the changing of the clocks). Fireworks are included in the entry price and so can be very popular. Last year kids ate free after the fireworks to help reduce the exit congestion. Alternatively why not book a night in the LEGOLAND Windsor Hotel, avoiding the traffic, getting the kids to bed earlier, and having another day at the LEGOLAND Resort. Annual Pass Holders have free entry, but may be refused entry if capacity is reached. For £5 an Annual Pass Fireworks ticket may be purchased to guarantee a space.

Howl’O’Ween at Chessington World of Adventures Resort

23rd October – 2nd November (until 8pm)

  • Two new attractions – The interactive Curse of the Lost Tomb Maze (recommended for those ages 8 and over) and Trick or Treat Wood (suitable for all ages)
  • Spooky new animal shows
  • All your favourite rides in the dark

Alton Towers Scarefest

17th October – 1st November

  • Two new scare mazes
    • The Haunting of Molly Crowe – a multisensory live action horror maze that throws you back in time to the exorcism of a cursed Victorian Manor House.
    • Sub Species The End Games – deep underground to a post-apocalyptic sewer system – chose your own route to avoid the creatures that chase you.
  • Two new scare zones – Nox Infernus and Dark Apocalypse.
  • A completely re-routed Terror of the Towers
  • Favourite rides in the dark
  • Sub Species – Operation lockdown. The Phalanx on their latest mission – take on a series of challenges to destroy the alien species and work together as a team to ensure the rest of humanity survive and you escape from Sub Species: Operation Lockdown.

Passholders receive 20% off all scare mazes (subject to availability)

Witch Academy at the Coca Cola London Eye

Little Witches and Wizards get the chance to master their magical skills by learning spells and spooky facts about London’s landmarks on this interactive tour. Merlin Annual Pass holders are invited to an exclusive event on the 13th October, which includes 50% off the standard ticket for this experience. Dressing up is encouraged.

Limited availability at 17:30, 18:30 and 19:30.

£9.25 (4-15 years) and £14.75 (16 years +).

The experience includes:

  • Storytelling for children aged 4-9 years
  • A bewitching host.
  • Free goody bag including witches hat and activity pack.
  • Priority Boarding
  • 30 Minutes on The London Eye
  • Entry to the 4D Experience

I received a free book from Parragon and sweets from HARIBO so that I could personally recommend them honestly to you my readers. I paid for our own Merlin Annual Passes and this is mainly so that I can remind myself of what is going on as well as letting you know. HARIBO are providing the prize for the giveaway. Have a very happy Halloween.

249 thoughts on “Halloween Entertainment ideas”

  1. A spooky movie night in sounds the best! Friends, popcorn, toffee apples and yummy Haribo for the perfect Halloween night!

  2. I think my children would all love experiencing the Howl’O’Ween at Chessington World of Adventures Resort! The Lost Tomb Maze and Trick or Treat Wood sound fab!

  3. I grew up in the USA so Halloween is HUGE for me. My favourite part is getting dressed up and going trick-or-treating and seeing all the scary decorations people put out. Lots of people would make their own haunted houses in their double garages, so every year was always amazing. Still trying to get used to how laid back Halloween is in the UK, though I’ve lived here for 8 years now.

    • Just wanted to add…my youngest (5) doesn’t like any of the scariness associated with Halloween so we have to really play it down! Other people obviously don’t know this though so I find myself pulling massive over exaggerated faces trying to get their attention to prevent them from saying/doing things I know will terrify him!! He just wants to join in with everyone else though so puts his Superhero costume on & goes out to parties! Xx

  4. I would love to just take the kids trick or treating, but they are still too young to stay up so I think we will dress up in the day and we can decorate the house. I might bake some Halloween themed biscuits or cakes and get them to help

  5. Best part of Halloween is carving the pumpkin and making soup from the innards 🙂 I’d love to go to Halloween at the London Eye – what an experience!

  6. Making halloween cakes for the family to share, and also for a school cake sale if they have one near halloween again this year.
    Last year I piped icing to make chocolate buttons become spiders to place on fairy cakes decorated as cobwebs!

  7. Alton towers scarefest sounds like so much fun! My little ones would LOVE it, It is such a shame we stay so far away !

  8. This is the first year that my little one understands and knows what is going on regarding Halloween. I am going to buy him an outfit and have a little party in the house with his cousins. I think he would find it scary if we went to a theme park or organised event. But maybe next year.

  9. Brick or treat at LEGOLAND sounds fun as we have never been. The crafts are a good idea to I think that my son would like to make a spiders web which would be a fun decoration for our Halloween party!

  10. The London Dungeon seance sounds like great (if potentially terrifying) fun! I LOVE HALLOWEEN (can you tell I’m excited?!).

  11. Howl’O’Ween at Chessington World of Adventures Resort could be fun. We went to Wheelgates at Halloween last year with the eldest walking round like a zombie, latex make-up, she got some looks.

  12. BRICK OR TREAT at the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort would be ace. My little fella is too small to go on most park rides but he loves everything lego so it would MAKE the perfect Halloween treat! x

  13. We recently visited LEGOLAND so will have to say BRICK OR TREAT at the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort as it sounds like frightfully good fun!

  14. Love the sounds of fright nights at thrope park, although I have heard it may be a little scary for my 9 year old so maybe not this year!

  15. I myself am a big fan of Halloween and horror, before the children , every year with out fail it would be Alton towers Scarefest. Now due to three young children I would happily go for Lego land, good all rounder and enjoy it with the family. 🙂

  16. We love baking Halloween cupcakes and go wild with the coloured icing designs, then we watch a ‘scary’ movie – usually one involving Scooby Doo.

  17. Carved pumpkin on the doorstep, lots of Haribo in the hall, waiting for the trick or treaters who always come to call.

  18. Alton Towers Scare Fest! This is the first time we have had merlin passes and also intend to make good use of them this half term, Alton towers is the closest and having been to their other halloween scarefests in previous years we can not wait to go to this one! Its absolutely amazing! (plus its only an hour away from us)

  19. Witch Academy at the Coca Cola London Eye, sounds great, kids love tricks. The magical skills, spells and spooky facts about London’s landmarks will defiantly keep them entertained.

  20. alton towers scarefest is the best attraction and never lets it’s guests down .. might scare them to death, but never fails to deliver what it says on the ticket xx

  21. I like the idea of Indoor Halloween Fun, I think we’ll try making our own ghost.. woooooooooo << my ghost impression!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

    @Cloudyskies29 on twitter

  22. My birthday is on Halloween and as it falls on a Saturday this year it will be extra special.We have lots of decorations and ornaments and we will be doing that good old favourite,”dookin” for apples.My grandchildren will be making spooky cakes and biscuits and it will just be a fun family party x

  23. Alton Towers Scarefest, it would be great to go on the rides in the dark and you could miss out the most frightening looking events for scaredys like me!

  24. The Howl’O’Ween at Chessington world of adventures sounds great. I know the trick,or treat woods would be a huge hit! Xx

  25. The halloween lanterns. I made something similar with my 3 little ones last year and they loved it (well my youngest just kept eating the paper but she enjoyed that as well lol)

  26. brick or treat at legoland sounds fun 🙂

    I have actually just come back from the USA where I attended Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party which is awesome (I try to go most years if I can get out there) and I think legoland one sounds similar.

    I do like the more scary things to do as well but as I will have H I think something less scary and more family orientated would be better

  27. Halloween cakes – I love getting a bit silly & creative with my baking, PLUS you get to eat them afterwards – win, win!!

  28. Love the sound of BRICK OR TREAT at the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort! The name is great to begin with (love the pun) and the fireworks sound amazing. Plus – lego!

  29. I have always wanted to do the scarefest at Alton Towers. I just think it would be an epic location for some Halloween shenanigans.


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