What’s that Smell? The Party Game that Stinks – but does it? When you think about something that stinks it usually means it is no good, but in this case it means literally stinks, but is actually a pretty decent game.
About What’s that Smell?
This hilarious fragrant-guessing party game from WowWee is designed for between 2-6 players ages 14 and over. I would disagree and say that those of all ages can play and actually as many people as you like as you can take it in turns to have a sniff.
The idea of the game is to identify the smell on the scratch and sniff cards, which includes its category type and what memories you have it. With over 50 smells from nice to downright nasty, ranging from roses to rotting garbage…and worse. The winner (aka “Nose-it-All”) gets to pick a player of their choice to suffer the Whiff of Shame: three big whiffs of one of the four outrageously pungent Stank Cards: Extra Old Toe Cheese, Diaper Blowout, Hot Chunky Vomit and Smothered in B.O.!
For added fun, players can download the free iOS/Android What’s That Smell? companion app to track the number of players and sniffing time, earn extra bonus points by comparing guesses with other people who have played the game and record their priceless ‘Whiff Of Shame’ reactions. The app also provides Stank Card filters and a “don’t-miss-a-revolting-second” slow-mo effect to help capture every second of these memorable moments.
Thoughts on What’s that Smell?
As soon as you lift the lid on the game the smell just hits you! There is no denying this is indeed a very smelly game and not for the faint-hearted. It was great fun and really pleasurable to correctly identify the smells and also really makes you realise how important smell is. We smelt 6 things at a time and it was fascinating how quickly all the smells merged into one (there are instructions on how to reset your nose as it were). All the scents we came across were familiar to us, so shouldn’t be hard to guess. Some of them I really couldn’t say that I would even recognise when I knew what they were (although my son said he could) and others were just so obvious. We loved this game and it was a good way of getting the boys writing down their thoughts. Some fragrances gave off really happy memories too.
Contents of What’s that Smell?
What’s That Smell? Includes:
- 48 Mystery Whiff Cards
- 4 Stank Cards and scent-barrier bags
- 6 cardholders
- A sheet of Whiff Strips (to scratch the smell)
- Scorepad
- Instructions
Enter using the Rafflecopter below. UK Only. Ends 0:00 AM 31/12/2018
RRP £24.99
I received a free copy of What’s that Smell? for review purposes. Opinions are honest and my own.
The best smell – home baked bread and the worst smell, poop!
Looks like a fun game
The best smell – Lilac blossoms in the spring
The worst smell – coal tar soap – which my husband insists on using
For me it would be fresh bed linen that is the best, and cooking beetroot the worst!
worst smell for me is orange i really hate it, lavender is the best for me
WORST definitely something like a stink bomb , best pina colada/tropical kind of smell
Best smell vanilla cupcake Yankee candle, worst smell lavender.
Worst smell is take away vans (fried foods) and best freshly cut grass
Best smell would be lemon, worst smell would be belly pork cooking!
Best would be peach and worst would be banana!
Hate the smell of tobacco/cigarettes (eurgh!), love the smell of vanilla!
I think I would struggle with food smells
My worst smell would be vomit and my best smell would be lemons.
Love the smell of cinnamon and hate the smell of onion breath
best smells are christmasy smells like cinnamon, worst ones are fish or cigarettes
sick for the worse and lavender for the best
roast dinner would be amazing and body odour would definitely be the worst!
the best smell would be strawberries i think the worst for me would be sick
The smell of that fence paint, worse for me would be rotting fish!
Best smell petrol, worst smell, poo.
Worst would be sick (i can’t deal with that) and best would be raspberry – I love that scent
nice smell-coffee bad smell-vomit
best smell lavender, worse coconut
My best would be freshly cut grass and the worst fish
My worst smell would have to be a babies dirty nappy and my best smell would have to be freshly cut grass.
i love the smell of fresh bread, and rotten eggs are the worst
Any kind of good cooking is my favourite smell! Worst us vomit!
best smell would be freshly baked bread, worst smell would be rotten eggs
Best smell open fire or cut grass, worst smell rotten fish.
I think the best smell would be mint and the worst smell rotten eggs
The best smell would be fried bacon or freshly baked bread, the worst smell would be eggy farts.
Best – cinnamon or nutmeg. Worst vomit.
Best – lenor, worst – vomit!
The best smell – freshly cooked bread
The worst smell – smelly football boots
Best – marzipan, worst – mushroom soup
Best smell would be Christmas smells (mulled wine and cinnamon) worst smell would be rotten eggs
The best would be freshly cut grass, the worst would be wet dog
i love the smell of limes!!!
worst is anything fishy, cabbage, eggs or sweaty socks!! UGH!!!
Best smell – freshly bread – worst freshly spewed vomit
the best would have to be cinnamon and the worst rotting fish
Best smell – freshly mown grass
worst smell – my other halfs feet
The best would be cinnamon, the worst would be the smell of the stale urine
The best smell would be freshly baked bread and the worst would be poo.
the best would be a nice strawberry smell and the worse has to be vomit eurgh
My best smell Christmas cake cooking
Coffee would be the best. Dog poo the worst.
Coffe would be the best and dog poo would be the worst.
The best smell would be clean linen and the worst (so many options here) probably vile vomit!
The best for me would be almond cake and the worst would be rotten eggs.
looks like lots of fun – coffee best for me and vile vomit yuk!
Worst smell vomit, best smell baked gingerbread.
My worst smell is any perfume as it gives me a migraine and my best smell is petrol
I hate the smell of cabbage and brussel sprouts!
I love the smell of salt and vinegar crisps
The best smell would be bread and the worst would be dog poo.
worst is grass, best is fresh bed linen
best smell is strawberries and worst is rotten chicken
Worst would be vomit and best orange
Best, jasmine. I can think of several bag smells, but I think possibly the worst is my brothers socks!